Keeping on setting firm boundaries and breaking contracts with the engineering organized around us

11 months ago

In this talk, we work with Olya's attunement to vedic astrology and my reading of frequency signatures to explore the theme of setting boundaries with the simulation interface, the spiritless or any other game player here. We start the discussion around the theme of travel: rearranging travel arrangements, AI inserts and suggestions influencing our travel experiences, limitations encountered when we travel, sabotaging of our travel experiences by the programs and the engineering and how our travel choices are changing with time as we keep on deepening our reading of the simulation and as we keep on applying this reading to our daily life.

Due to the memory wiping, it generally takes a bit of time to the reals in order to remember and realize, denumbing their abilities, that they have put the needs of spiritless beings in front of their own a great amount of their time, accepting and agreeing to spend time with the many distracting propositions that are sent their ways every day. Indeed, you decide to act very differently once you realize most of the people you interface with in your every day or online life, aren't real. You can definitely superpose your spirit energy if you are real to any AI energy that is programmed to counter you here. The spiritless are used for us to sign hidden contracts by us accepting to drop our boundaries just because the programs are asking us to do so. They are used to lure us into countless traps as the programs know our deepest longings, sometimes even before we become aware of what we have to heal in terms of illusion and false realities.

We reflect on how the backdrop technology is used to get us to interface with it and to push us in feeling as if we have to justify ourselves. We can feel energy draining out of us as we are starting to engage as it is violating our own organic natural rhythms. Backdrops are also used to create weirdness and if it's possible to make us feel as if we are the ones who are inadequate. What an irony. It is how the mk ultra program want us to keep on feeling. Moreover, the spiritless are often wrong in their assumptions and some of them can be pretty skilled with their psychic abilities.

Intuition and imagination are 2 powerful tools that assist us in navigating the countless options available to us out there and the forces working constantly against who is real here. It is as necessary to keep on setting strong and firm boundaries with the spiritless, the programs and the simulated aspects of this reality as it is to work on integrating the wound of non recognition.

This conversation was recorded Friday 30th June.
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