Ukrainian Prosecutor, Viktor Shokin Blows the Whistle on Biden Crime Family

10 months ago


Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin who was fired under pressure from VP-Joe Biden speaks out, specifically says Biden had him fired to protect Hunter & Burisma.

“Biden was acting in his own interests, not the interests of the American people.”

Shokin went as far to say that Joe Biden had reason to fear for his son.

“Joe Biden has reason to fear that the investigation would eventually fall on his son.”

“The depiction of these investigations as ‘dormant’ has nothing to do with reality of the facts. I understand very well that the United States has one of the best intelligence services in the world, and of course, the investigation into Burisma was closely monitored, not only by legal means, but also illegal.”

“We have to believe that Biden believed we were going to start questioning his son,” Shokin said.

The most corrupt family in American history… and the DOJ is covering this up.


Corporate media reporters couldn’t be bothered to ask former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin a single question. He’s the one Joe Biden got fired while Shokin was investigating Burisma’s president, Mykola Zlochevsky. But Shokin has popped up, interviewed by foreign reporters, in a video statement where he debunks claims that his investigation was dormant. Shokin explained at the time he was fired, he’d just seized oligarch Zlochevsky’s assets. He suggested that U.S. intelligence services were illegally monitoring his investigation, and that Joe Biden knew he was just about to investigate Hunter Biden and Devon Archer.

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