Judge Napolitano NATO Expansion Fanatic Chris Christie Blames Chinese Proxy War in Ukraine

10 months ago

NATO Training Camps for Children 400,000 Ukrainians ISIS Us NAVY Seals ANTIFA terrorist KIA. World War 3 Fanatics Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom - YouTube Judge Napolitano NATO Expansion Chris Christie Blames Chinese Proxy War in Ukraine. Nuclear U.S. AID War Bio Labs in Ukraine Lindsey Graham PENCE NAZIS Collaborators Boris Johnson Donald J Trump Javelina Missiles

NATO $ NAZIs $ War Criminals $ Fascist $ Crony Capitalism $$$$$$$
Pres Trump ? is he a Supporter of [NATO Expansion] & a Total Supporter of the [ZELENSKY COUP] DJT! Claims that Pres Putin, would have Stopped its Special Mil-Operation in 24hrs. AFTER [His] Threat to SEND! Massive Shipments of US/NATO Arms/Cash/in the END NATO/us. Forces to Battle the Russian Federation Peace Keeping Forces of DENAZIFICATION ?? isnt that WHAT ! FJB/uk/EU is Doing ?

[ Z.B.I ] 5 Point Plan 4 [ PEACE ]
1. RE-BUILDing of the [ Nord-Stream Pipeline ] that! WE Attacked/Destroyed/aka [ International ACT of TERRORISM ]
2. Plus pay Lost Income in the TRILLIONs to the Russian Federation/Germany !
3. Ending NATO Alliance Once and for all.! plus OPEN a WAR Crimes Trials for NATO uk/eu/usa Leadership fig.s.
4. EuroTrash Nation States MUST Pay for Cost to RE BUILD Ukraine via Direct Payment to Russian Federation.
5. NO more NUKEs in the EU/oversea's etc [KeepEm Safe in usa]

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