Vaccination – How history repeats itself

10 months ago

Dr. med. Seltz, from Baden Baden, on the other hand, wrote about a case: “If a 5-month-old, previously healthy child develops an increasing fever the day after vaccination, if bronchitis, meningitis, and lymphadenitis are medically diagnosed, and if death from cardiac paralysis occurs within 4 days, then this is such an obvious vaccine injury that it takes downright criminal courage to want to deny this causal relationship.” Several other physicians from southern Germany expressed similar opinions.

Statistics were falsified to prove that smallpox disease was milder in vaccinated people and had fewer deaths than in unvaccinated people.

Doctors did not feel responsible for their actions. Vaccinists and public health officials downplayed the consequences of vaccinations.

For example, in the report of a military doctor, persons who fell ill after vaccination were reported as “sick with smallpox”, although it was obviously a case of vaccination side effects.

It was already known in the 18th century that vaccination was not permitted in smallpox times, as can be read in the official gazette of the Royal Government of Cologne. Nevertheless, in the time of smallpox around 1849, vaccination was drummed up.

In Italy, there was hardly anyone who was not vaccinated, but that is where they recorded the most smallpox outbreaks.

The author describes in the book how hygiene and cleanliness, good ventilation, clean clothes and nutritious plant food protect against any disease. Among other things, this proved that the Prussian army was free of smallpox, which was mainly due to increased cleanliness with ablutions and alternating showers and better ventilation of the crew's living and sleeping quarters.

Parents asked why they should expose their children to the risks of vaccination if they died in the epidemic anyway?

During the great smallpox epidemic of 1870-1872, 96 percent of the victims in Germany were vaccinated. Nevertheless, the Imperial Vaccination Act was passed in 1874. Although the law did not originally provide for coercion, coercion was nevertheless used.

Wegener writes of daily distortions of the law, dogma coercion and the imposition of truths by police force. One saw how the people, deprived of rights and defenseless, were at the mercy of the state. There was no longer any law.
Even then, people asked: Where are the legal scholars, judges and lawyers?

As the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccines became more widely known, public protest also grew worldwide. One of the largest of the century finally occurred in 1885 in the English industrial city of Leicester.

from ah. rw. wh.
Buch von Hugo Wegener „Impf-Friedhof“

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