Top 10 Mysteries of India

9 years ago

India has always been a land of mystery. The facts of her beginning and the origin of her culture have been the subject of much contradiction.
lets discuss some of them.
The village of Kuldhara is a ghost village that has been abandoned since 1800s. It is said to carry a curse of the villagers who migrated to other places. Kuldhara lies about 15 Km west of Jaisalmer in western Rajasthan. The village now lies in ruins. The village was established in 1291 by the Paliwal Brahmins, who were a very prosperous clan and were known for their business and agricultural knowledge. But one night in 1825 all the people in Kuldhara and nearby 83 villages vanished in dark
Prahalad Jani or Mataji is an Indian sadhu (saint) and is a devotee of deity Amba.
He claims to have lived without food and water since 1940, and says that the goddess Amba sustains him. Prahlad Jani, says that he is surviving by chanting mantras and by meditating for goddess Amba.

The Saraswati River is one of the chief Rigvedic rivers mentioned in the ancient Sanskrit Texts. Infact several of this Vedic texts and Mahabharata mention the presence of a river carrying enormous volumes of water that eventually dried up in a desert. There have been various studies to determine if such a river ever existed.

Around 1500 BCE, a large group of nomadic cattle-herders, the Aryans, migrated into the region from central Asia. The Aryans crossed the Hindu Kush mountains and came in contact with the Indus Valley Civilization. This was a large migration and used to be seen as an invasion, which was thought to be the reason for the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization

Rama Sethu is a chain of limestone shoals, between the islands of Mannar, near northwestern Sri Lanka, and Rameswaram, off the southeastern coast of India. The "bridge" is 48 km long and separates the Gulf of Mannar from the Palk Strait. Some of the sandbanks are dry and the sea in the area is very shallow, being only 1 m to 10 m deep in places
The name, Rama's Bridge or Rama Setu derives from the Sanskrit epic Ramayana

Roopkund lake in India is one of the most mysterious places in India. This frozen lake which glorifies the beauty of the Himalayas with a mystery story to it. This staggering place is also known as the Roopkund Skeleton lake. But this lake has recently moved eyeballs with astonishment due to the presence of a large number of human bones precisely about 300 - 600 skeletons. .It all started way back in 1942, when a forest ranger fortuitously came across this lake and discovered a mass grave in it. The discovery has revolutionized the world since then.
Gyangunj – The place of immortals
a city where there are ‘people’ alive for thousands of years. Interestingly, this city is also invisible to naked eye or any known modern technology.. Several theories surround this city. Some say that this is the legendary land of Shambhala or Shangrila. Some say that this is where aliens are residing and have cleverly camouflaged their existence.
There exists an iron pillar in Mehrauli in Delhi. The pillar is said to have built by Chandragupta II of the Gupta dynasty and is about 23 ft tall. No mystery in this. But the mystery lies in the fact that this pillar was made out of wrought iron about more than 1,600 years ago, and has seen almost no corrosion. The pillar has attracted scientists and archaeologists from all across the globe.
Nine Unknown Men are a two millennia-old secret society founded by the Indian Emperor Asoka in 273 BC.
The society was founded after Asoka won the battle of Kalinga and at the sight of the death of 100,000 lost in the battle.
It is said that the Emperor Asoka once aware of the horrors of war, wished to forbid men ever to put their intelligence to evil uses.

The genesis of Hinduism is nearly as elusive as its contemporary definition. Unlike Islam, which began with Mohammed, or Judaism, which began with Moses, Hinduism has no founder, nor any traditional time or place of origin; it emerges from the jungle as a continually evolving religious system. Scholars debate the primary source of what would become the Hindu religion.
christianity is 2000 years old, islam 1500 years old but hinduism was practised in indus vally civilisation which is 4000 to 3000 years old
That means it started way before 4000 years.
every religion has that one person that laid the outline or basic rules of that religion but hinduism is so old that nothing can be seen that far back in time .
Who was that man that laid the foundation of this religion five six or ten thousand years ago will remain a mystery forever.

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