Lost a Parent? 4 Bible Verses to Help Your Loneliness

11 months ago

Have you lost a parent? Here's some Christian encouragement and a word of comfort from the Bible for your loneliness. You're not an orphan... Here's 4 Bible verses that say your not alone, because you have a Heavenly Father that has adopted you!

Parents often tell their adopted children that their love for them is special, because they choose them from among other children who needed to be adopted. God's love for you is special, too, because He chose to adopt you! God actually planned on adopting us from the very beginning (see Ephesians 1:5). Also, see John 14:18 and Psalm 68:5.

Psalm 27:10 says, "For my father and my mother have left me behind, but the Lord has taken me up" (CPDV).

Please note, that most versions ready "When my father and my mother forsake me...". My parents passed away, so I don't think of them "forsaking" me. That's why I chose the CPDV, in this instance. It's not a version I read, but I include it in my parallels.

Now, the Amplified Bible further defines, "taken me up" from other translations, because it says, "...take me up [adopt me as His child]."

When I Personalize that verse, I say, "For my father and my mother have left me behind, but the Lord has taken me up and adopted me as His child." Isn't that comforting? It sure is for me!

When we are truly saved, we have an enduring and endearing love for Jesus Christ, our Savior. We have a change of heart where we love the things that He loves and we pattern our lives in a way to please Him. Not in order to make it to heaven, but because we love Him. We love Him so much that we put Him first in every decision that we make. We love Him so much that we want Him to lead, guide, and direct us, according to His Word, and if we don’t… there’s something wrong. If we don’t bear good fruit, then we are to examine our hearts and find out why (see 2 Corinthians 13:5).

God has a plan for our lives and when we bear good fruit, as a result of acting out our love for Him, that’s not “works” and trying to put ourselves in the equation, but outward evidence that we belong to our Heavenly Father and are redeemed and transformed by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (see Ephesians 2:10, as well as Ephesians 2:8-9).

There's nothing you can do to make it to Heaven, but Jesus loves you so much that He ransomed His life for you, so that your sins could be forgiven and washed away, forever, when you truly believe in Jesus (which includes making our risen Savior the Lord of your life and repent). Repent means to be truly sorry for your sins and to try your best not to do them, out of love for the Lord. Then, since nobody is perfect, Jesus will help you with the rest so that you can be with Him in Heaven. How cool is that?!

Because nobody is perfect, we really can't be good on our own. In Romans 3:10-12, the Bible actually says that no one is good, "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become useless; there is none that does good, no, not one" (I Love Jesus UKJV).

How do you get help? Tell Jesus that you're sorry and that you don't intend to keep being bad, but you want His help. This is called repentance, which means to be truly sorry for your sins, try not to do them, and try to change for the better.

I know it's hard, so I'll say it again. It's hard, because nobody is perfect, but God will help you. Jesus said that He and our Heavenly Father would send us the Holy Spirit to help us and so that we would not be all alone, like orphans (see Luke 11:13, John 14:16-26, and John 16:13-14). Then, make Jesus the Lord of your life by reading your Bible (I recommend that you start in John, because the book of John talks the most about the love of Jesus). Then, try your best to do what the Bible says. It's hard, but ask for God to send His Holy Spirit to help you and remember that the Bible says in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengths me" (WEB).

My God bless you and draw you closer to Him, in Jesus' name... Amen.

Eddie Witness, a Christian Singer-Songwriter, shares his new Christian music, words of encouragement, witnessing encounters, testimonies, supernatural stories, and more.

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God bless y’all and I’m looking forward to meeting a family of friends here on Rumble.

Written by Eddie Witness, Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

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