This $500,000 offer will make HUGE WAVES if accepted!

11 months ago

Did you hear the news? Joe Rogan offered Dr. Peter Hotez a $100,000 donation to the charity of his choice to debate RFK Jr. on his podcast with no time limit. Ever since, the pot grew to $2.6 million with the help of others who want to make this happen in honor of transparency for the world as a whole. I am grateful to announce that Leila and David Centner, the Energy Enhancement System team, and myself have pooled together $500,000 to add to the pot to officially bring it to a whopping $3.1 million to make this debate happen! Dr. Hotez, the world is watching. What are you going to do next? The choice is yours.

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It’s time to take action and that is exactly why we have decided to make this move. It’s time to WAKE UP THE WORLD and this is a big part of how we do it.

Jason Shurka

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