Christine Massey, Virology on trial, on the Northern Light Convention

11 months ago

Northern Light Convention
February 1, 2022
University of Toronto (Ontario, Canada) refused my FOI for any records containing additional details re “controls” used in Banerjee et al.’s fanti-science “SARS-COV-2 isolation” publication. The people at the University of Toronto responsible for this decision chose to hide behind a section of the FOI legislation that protects research associated with an educational institution from public scrutiny…despite the obligation to disclose that is listed in section 11 (1):

May 18, 2022:
Jorge Perez, the man who acts as Deputy Health Officer, Public Health Investigation, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, confessed to Kristen Welch that there are no records of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone and purified... by anyone, anywhere, ever... but apparently he is OK with the fact that virologists have no independent variable to use in any "virus" experiment and he thinks that "the county" has the "right" to terrorize people with their "doctrine":

May 23, 2022:
People acting for New Zealand‘s crown research corporation, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), insist that Michael S. pay $2964 for important details regarding the so-called "SARS-COV-2 genome sequencing" that were omitted from the publication "Transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 during Border Quarantine and Air Travel, New Zealand (Aotearoa)" (Eichler et al.). They advise that providing the details would require 40 hours of work by a senior scientist, including 6 hours and $456 to locate the "SARS-COV-2 sequences" that the researchers submitted to GISAID. We don't find this even a little bit suspicious.

May 25, 2022:
Rector Prof. Dr. Piotr Ponikowski from University of Wroclaw, Poland, Medical Department confirmed that the university has no record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being isolated, period.

May 31, 2022:
New Zealand‘s crown research institute, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), confirmed for Michael S. that they have no record of any “monkeypox virus” found in and purified from the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of any sick human on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever... probably because it doesn't exist:

May 31, 2022 (there is a typo in this letter, it should read May, not March):
Lonny J. Pehrson, the man/woman who acts as Assistant Attorney General, Government Records Counsel, State of Utah (a corporation that masquerades as government), Office of the Attorney General admitted to Kristen Welch that they have no record of any “monkeypox virus” being found in and purified from the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of any sick human on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever... and offered numerous irrelevant statements to distract from the glaring incompetence/fraud:

May 31, 2022:
Mayhaka Mendis, acting as Registrar for University of Otago in New Zealand, thought long and hard and finds that Michael S.'s FOI for the so-called "whole genome SARS-COV-2" sequences that were submitted to GISAID by Professor Quiñones-Mateu "vexatious". But of course!
June 3, 2022:
Sweden's Public Health Authority Folkhälsomyndigheten confessed to John Blaid that they have no record describing any alleged "monkeypox virus" being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified... by anyone, anywhere, ever... in order for "it" to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka "science").

June 6, 2022:
Kendra Washington acts as Public Records Manager for Florida Department of Health. Her entire response to Kristen Welch’s FOI for records of anyone on Earth finding the alleged “monkeypox virus” in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a diseased host, animal or human, and purifying “it" so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments:
“There are no records responsive to this request.”

June 6, 2022:
The California Department of Public Health "yielded no records” to Kristen Welch that describe “monkeypox virus” being found in and purified from the bodily fluid/tissue of any diseased host, because there are no such records to yield:

June 7, 2022:
Gillian Haney acting for Massachusetts Department of Public Health advised Ben Tetzlaff that records containing the target DNA sequences of the "monkeypox PCR test", the "viral" genes that those sequences represent and the number of cycles used in that "test" cannot be made public because they relate to a "national security asset". The director of the Division of Surveillance, Analytics and Informatics, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences explained that "disclosure of information related to ongoing infectious disease investigations could compromise future investigative efforts and, therefore, is not in the public interest". He also confessed that the department has no record of the process used to "isolate monkeypox virus":

June 7, 2022:
Nick Hudson who acts as Chairman of PANDEMICS – DATA & ANALYTICS (PANDA) patiently explained to Ricardo Maarman of “Show Us the Virus” that a virus is a process, not a thing. He confessed he has no idea whether SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19 actually exist and he couldn’t care less.

PANDA’s “Knowledge Factory” consists of “leading scientists from diverse fields” and “seeks to develop science-based explanations and test them against international data… PANDA stands for open science and rational debate, for replacing flawed science with good science“. The organization insists that “the science is clear on what key policy responses should be” to the “COVID-19 pandemic“.

Hudson, described as an amateur ornithologist who speaks on “various topics including epistemology, corporate governance, investment management, and more recently, the pandemic”, insisted that people such as himself are not competent to tackle the simple logic on whether or not SARS-COV-2 has been shown to exist.

Further, the PANDA Chairman announced that science consists of conjectures and hence it would not appear at all scientific to debate the existence of SARS-COV-2 with Ricardo and he will not do so.

His advice to Ricardo: “find some scientists“.

June 9, 2022:
Roger Andoh, who acts as FOIA Officer for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) confessed that:
- Rochelle P. Walensky, woman acting as Director,
- Debra Houry, woman acting as "acting principal deputy director",
- the people responsible for CDC's claim that Legionnaires’ disease is caused by Legionella bacteria,
- the CDC, and
- ATSDR....
have no record, authored by anyone, anywhere, ever, describing a controlled experiment using purified Legionella bacteria and showing that it causes Legionnaires’ disease and satisfies Koch’s Postulates:

June 10, 2022:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) confessed that they could not find any record describing anyone on Earth finding an alleged “monkeypox virus” in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a diseased host (animal or human) and purifying “it” so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka "science"):

More information and videos from Northern Light Convention 2023:

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