Let's make Putin's cyber attack impossible! Here's how SPREAD THIS VIDEO! IMPORTANT! 7 BILLION LIVES

11 months ago

Cyberwarfare - Wikipedia
Europa verplaatst megawinsten energieproducenten naar consument (27 fold energy price increase in 2 years time, use Google translate)

Non-negotiable demands of the Global Resistance:
No forced tattoo like in Auschwitz!
No concentration camps made of schools and our homes!
No forced injections!
No forced brain chip!
No forced "test"!
No deportations!
No insects (they contain pathogenic parasites)!
No vaccine passport tied to a basic income!
No forced CBDC, keep the cash society for an emergency!
No vax passport! 🚮🛂

Never again concentration camps!

Arrest politicians guilty of mass murder with their genocidal measures before they annihilate us all!💥

💥 Our body our choice 💥 Also after declaring Martial Law. Article 3 They cannot have tested the long term effects of their Entero virus injections either.

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