Butterfly Godincidence, Obama Dream, Sexually Abused- She Pleaded 2 God for Help, Seeing 222 616 666

1 year ago

Hi. In this video I cover my Obama dream, a Wave/Tsunami dream that I had on Wednesday- June 8th and share Ray Comfort's Just Witnessing video that had a butterfly Godincidence. When I originally recorded my Obama dream three years ago, a butterfly that I had never seen in my yard (and haven't seen since) appeared. The Lord shows me and many others numbers all the time, and it encourages us that this is one of the ways that the Holy Spirit speaks.

222 is flame of God in Strong's concordance. I share the time the Lord spoke to me at 2:22 am and said, "Things God hates" Malachi 2:16 and then at 3:33 said, "God permeates the Christian." Read Matthew 7:21-29, Acts 2:37-43 and Hebrews 10:37-39.

Revelation 13:18 Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] His number is 666.[b]

Read full chapter
13:18a Or of humanity.
13:18b Some manuscripts read 616.

616 in Strong's concordance means "marking the end of a pregnancy."

Obama is the Antichrist Dream- Left Behind- 333 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdGCmpK58Xw&t=5s

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