"The Power of Art" AI MrBeast Meets AI Shakespeare

1 year ago

"Experience the fusion of #art and #technology as #mrbeast encounters AI Shakespeare in this captivating video! Witness the unexpected synergy between the digital and the classic." - An #ai

Watch The Full Episode: https://www.youtube.com/@UCooWTA3B5IJ9w6uMGdpkuZw
Vote for Guests, Learn & More AI here: https://discord.gg/ABAvjWVkR5

Where else to find Omni

Presented by SoulCode

"artificial intelligence will never replace me, that's the subject of a new debate between MrBeast and Shakespeare made by AI.

If you're a fan of Shakespeare, then you'll love this new debate between MrBeast and Shakespeare made by AI. In the debate, MrBeast argues that AI will never be able to create works of art as great as Shakespeare. Is AI Art going to replace artists or is AI going to be used as a tool to help artists?

So who will win the debate? You'll have to watch the video to find out! In the meantime, let us know what you think in the comments section!"

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