Setting Souls

1 year ago

This song is about old age, the pain of terminal illness, etc, when your life on earth has run it's course, and it's time to let go of this life, and enter the next, to see those who went into spirit world before you, where you & your forever love, will meet again in spirit / heaven, after death.

It's about knowing it is your time to leave, and you are no longer afraid, of leaving the pain of widowhood or cancer pain behind.

It’s about knowing there is no cure, everyone has their time limit, knowing you lived the best you could with what you had, fearless with acceptance towards the end.

It was inspired by listening to people at the end of their life, saying they no longer fear passing on / accept their fate / lived their best / have few or no regrets, from their given time of “in body” earthly human experience. Yes, some of them my family / friends too, but others wisdom of strangers.

Dedicated to the elderly & terminally ill & their families.

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