5 Lies Theists Tell About Atheists

1 year ago

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Many theists believe and tell several lies about atheists, sometimes out of ignorance, and sometimes out of malice. Five of the lies I tackle here are that atheists lose faith because of hardship, atheists who deconverted were never true believers, atheists have never studied X religion, there are no atheists in foxholes, and that atheists secretly believe in god. Religious media loves to propagate all these falsehoods (I'm looking at you Pureflix's God's Not Dead and CBS' God Friended Me). For those believers who will listen, it only takes 10 minutes with a calm, friendly atheist to explain why all of these statements are false. That's why I'm here.

These false statements confuse a lot of people about why atheists don't believe in god, whether atheists can be good people, or if atheists are educated about religion. To further the conversation, we've got to put these to bed.

This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*


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