Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Treatment By Dr Vinod Raina

1 year ago

Hi. My name is Dr Vinod Raina Best HIV Specialist in Delhi. Today we are going to talk about post-exposure prophylaxis. What is post exposure prophylaxis? Post-exposure prophylaxis is a system of drugs which are given to the patient when he is exposed to the STD or HIV.

So what can be the causes?

If a patient has gone to the Massage parlor or if he had a sex with a sex worker, or if he had a sex with a partner with the multiple sex partners. In that case, if the patient who had the exposure with that person comes to us within 72 hours of golden time, we can put that patient on a therapy called PEP therapy post-exposure prophylaxis.

So there are different types of PEP. Two drug therapy, three drug therapy, four drug therapy, and five drug therapy. Initially when the PEP was started in 2014, there was a drug by the name called Truvada. It was used. It was a two drug therapy. But now a days, that trend had changed. We nowadays do not use Truvada at all. Nowadays, the trend has changed. We are using three drugs therapy, four drugs therapy and five drug therapies. If a patient had a high risk of the infection. So what does it mean? If a patient had sex with the sex worker with multiple partners.

We have to use two drugs from the primary level and two drugs from the secondary level. For example, if the patient is a HIV positive, and she's a sex worker. And by some means, she had left the drugs. She or he was taking the medicine and had left the drugs, the primary drugs which he was taking for ART, and here left.

Their distribution should be very classy because if you are not using proper drug, you can get infected. And believe me once you are infected, you are infected for life. So guys, my request is, please don't take any treatment which is available on Google. Just go to a medical practitioner, go to a PEPS specialist, go to a HIV specialist.

A HIV Specialist is a Doctor who is Treating HIV.

Because he knows what are the pros and cons of the treatment? So my request to you is, please for God's sake, not at all. Don't use self-medicated drugs in PREP or PEP, go to the SPECIALIST. We have to find out what is the body weight of the person. What is the BMI? Where to Found number of things, and then only we can put him on proper drugs. So guys, if you are a health worker, if you're a doctor, if you are any person who is dealing with hazardous things, if you had a prick, you went to somewhere you had a prick from the syringe. You were walking on the road, you had a Prick on your shoes and you find the syringe, it can be contaminated. Because the people who use drugs, they throw syringe on the road. So be cautious, they are infected, they can have the virus. So if you are infected by that, if you are having a prick, you had to go to a doctor. And if you're a health worker, you are working a hospital and you got a prick. You have taken PEP. So guys, the ICD classification of the diseases says that the PEP is to be taken within 72 hours. So, which drug is to be taken? Is to be decided by the physician, because these are category “H”drugs.

They are not freely available in the market, only a certified doctor can give you those medicines. So my request is, in case you had an exposure, please go to the doctor, go to physician, go to a call for a doctor who can give you the proper medication and these drugs should be started within first 72 hours that is golden time. If you are not doing this treatment, you can get infected.

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