Sultan Mohammed bin Tughlaq (1325-51) "Making wars upon the infidel"

1 year ago

#SaifAliKhan #Islam #India #Hinduism
Shahabuddin al-Umri wrote about the days of Sultan Mohammed bin Tughlaq (1325-51):
"The Sultan never ceases to show the greatest zeal in making wars upon the infidel....Every day thousands of slaves are sold at a very low price, so great is the number of prisoners."

"But still, in spite of the low price of slaves,
200,00 tankas, and even more, are paid for young Indian girls."

The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians: The Muhammadan Period
By Henry Miers Elliot
"His wife was the daughter of the Raja of Dipalpur."
Douie, James M. (1916) The Panjab North-West Frontier Province and Kashmir Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, page 171
"These examples illustrate clearly that the Muslim invaders and later rulers had no regard
for the culture and traditions of the native population"

"For example, when Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti settled at Ajmer he took two wives, although he was then aged sixty-five.
One of them was a Hindu raja's daughter who had been seized during a raid on the Hindus by the local commander."

Source: Women of India: Their Status Since the Vedic Times By Arun R. Kumbhare
"He raised taxes to levels where people refused to pay any. In India's fertile lands between Ganges and Yamuna rivers, the Sultan increased the land tax rate on non-Muslims by tenfold in some districts, and twentyfold in others."
By William Hunter (1903), A Brief History of the Indian Peoples, p. 124, at Google Books, 23rd Edition, pp. 124-127
"Ghiyasuddin was killed by his son Ulugh Juna Khanr in 1325 AD. Juna Khan ascended to power as Muhammad bin Tughlaq, and ruled for 26 years."
Elliot and Dowson, Táríkh-i Fíroz Sháhí of Ziauddin Barani, The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians. The Muhammadan Period (Vol 3), London, Trübner & Co
"According to many historians such as Ibn Battuta, al-Safadi, Isami,"
Jackson, Peter (2003). The Delhi Sultanate: A Political and Military History. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521543293.
Abdul Malik Isami (1311-?) was a 14th-century Indian historian and court poet.
"His distant campaigns were expensive, although each raid and attack on non-Muslim kingdoms brought new looted wealth and ransom payments from captured people. The extended empire was difficult to retain, and rebellions all over Indian subcontinent became routine."

The History of India by its own Historians - The Muhammadan Period, Volume 3, Trubner London, pages 235-240
The reign of ʾAlāuddīn Khiljī. Translated from Zia-ud-Din Barani's Tarīkh-i-Firūz Shāhī by A. R. Fuller and A. Khallaque.
Published 1967
Author Z̤iyāʾ al-Dīn Baranī, fl. 1284-1356.

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