CS7.1 Build Series - Electronics

1 year ago

In this video of the cs7.1 build series, we will assemble the electronics enclosure, upload Arduino code and test the system.

All code and files referenced in this video as well as the parts list can be found in the GitHub Repo at:

I highly recommend you check out the Instructions.PDF at:

# CS7.1 Build Series Video List #
Classifier Assembly - https://rumble.com/v2ipexd-cs7.1-build-series-classifier-assembly.html
Electronics - https://rumble.com/v2ipldj-cs7.1-build-series-electronics.html
Sorter Assembly - https://rumble.com/v2ipfkp-cs7.1-build-series-sorter-assembly.html
Camera Module - https://rumble.com/v2iph2d-cs7.1-build-series-camera-module.html

00:00 - Introduction
00:14 - Arduino UNO - Code and Testing
02:17 - Pre-Wiring Setup and Identification
04:02 - Installing Jumpers
04:45 - Installing TCM2209 Motor Controllers
06:10 - New Arduino - Connect to Shield
06:51 - Creating our 12v Rail
07:35 - Power Connector
08:15 - Creating the 5v Rail
09:12 - Proximity Sensor
09:58 - Homing Sensors
10:56 - Camera Lighting & Fan Wire
11:52 - Motor Wires
12:50 - Testing the electronics
13:18 - Testing Camere and Adjustments
13:50 - Installing 1.2k Resistor
15:08 - Setting vRef on TCM2209
16:50 - Stuffing the box
17:13 - haha
17:20 - Enclosure Fan
18:18 - Installing Dimmer
18:40 - 12v Jack
19:00 - Connecting Jack to Power Switch
19:25 - Mounting the UNO
19:50 - Installing Shield
20:15 - Wiring up the rest
20:38 - Stuffing the box...again
21:07 - Connect to the System and Testing
22:18 - Fruits of our Labor!

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