Solo Grandmaster Nightfall - Proving Grounds [Destiny 2 Season of Defiance]

1 year ago

Destiny 2 Lightfall - Solo Grandmaster Nightfall Completion / Grandmaster Proving Grounds Solo 1840 Max Difficulty Platinum Rank / Grandmaster Destiny Nightfall Solo Proving Grounds / Proving Grounds Grandmaster Solo / Solo GM Proving Grounds / Solo Gilded Conqueror. Just a video of a solo completion of the Grandmaster Nightfall The Ordeal this week in Proving Grounds. Details below.

In my mind, this loadout was a lot more fun to play. In reality, it was not great. It's also a great showcase of how often I forget to reload when I don't have an auto-loading setup.

Will see about the last 3 for tonight. I got error coded on the boss of the next GM wasting 40 minutes, and now the servers are having issues.

The plan as usual is to do the first 6 runs on the first day, but I'll see how interest is after the first run or two posted as to whether I'll spread the uploads out over the week or not. For these first clears, I'll be using cheese runs and whatever the path of least resistance is to initially get them done. The sole reason for that is that cheese runs and easy runs tend to get the most interest on the channel, and have historically proven so (just take a look back at any other season). Then as each week comes around, I'll redo them all with the usual alternate runs, no cheese, -40 power and all of that, like I always do. I was originally thinking of doing them all at -40 power to begin with, but having them spread out over the rest of the season is probably the better approach it this time around. I'll also come back and update these with timestamps once they're all finished and I've had some rest.

How to unlock all 6 Grandmasters? If you've previously completed and gilded the conqueror title, when Grandmasters release in the following season you have the option to select from all 6 grandmasters to gild your conqueror title on day one.

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