Religious Transhumanism

1 year ago

"A Conservative Christian Critique of Religious Transhumanism" by Carl Teichrib

Mormon Transhumanist Association

Apr 13, 2013
At the 2013 Conference of the Mormon Transhumanist Association, speakers addressed the themes of Mormonism, Transhumanism and Transfigurism, with particular attention to topics at the intersection of technology, spirituality, science and religion. Members, friends and critics of the association have many views. This is one of them. It is not necessarily shared by others.

Key moments
5:59 Genesis 1
9:45 Fourth Point 2,000 Years Ago God Entered Humanity's Domain through Jesus Christ
12:42 Nikolai Federov

Carl Teichrib
8 years ago
There have been some questions floating around about the timing of my talk, and in particular, was I "cut off"? Just so everyone understands, all speakers were given 15 minutes max with the exception of keynote presentations, as the MTA conference has a large number of speakers packed into one day. This meant that questions from the floor, if time remained, had to fit within those 15 minutes. As you know from the video I responded to one question, but even that was pushing against my time allotment. The reason more questions were not fielded was simply an issue of time running out - that's all, and nothing more.

Patrick Wood
9 years ago
Now the Transhumans in attendance have a clear choice set before them: God offers salvation to sinful man, that he might be redeemed from eternal separation from Him. In light of that, man should have zero expectation of becoming gods through works or technology - "I am the LORD, and there is no other; There is no God besides Me." (Isa 45:5)

Reading List
*2084 Artificial Intelligence Lennox
*AI Superpowers China Silicon Valley
*The Artilect War: Cosmists vs Terrans
*Evil Twins Technocracy Transhumanism
*The Milieu: Welcome Resistance
*Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence
*Revolve: Man's Scientific Rise Godhood
*The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil
*Superintelligence: Paths Dangers
*Transevolution: Coming Age Human

2084 Artificial Intelligence (23:42)

AI, Man & God (53:26)

Hollywood Transhumanism (1:18:34)

Religious Transhumanism (18:05)

AI/Robot/Transhuman Odysee

AI/Robot/Transhuman YouTube

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