1 year ago

I am your Infinitely Indigenous Individual, Iracel, The Eye Of Ra In A Cell, and you are Tapping in to the Root of the CymaTree so you can Tune in to the Mind of Mercury

Each time you Tune in to Mind of Mercury, you have the privilege off Perceiving life from the Perspective of Metatron Trismegistus, the Space that made Chace

Metatron Trismegistus is a spirit much older than Jesus/Jehovah, which is explicitly why the Masons that Manipulate the Metaverse have built their "New World Order" by using all of Metatron's past lives to teach us that Yahweh created everyone to live once

Mercury tells the Truth to spread Freedom (Old World)

Masons tell Lies to spread Slavery (New World)

The Masons created the KuKluxKlan in order to cannibalize the cultures of K'uK'ulKan. This is why the Religions that run the world paid the Christian KKK to create Hollywood out of the systemic slavery of indigenous individuals

These are Just Facts that I must share as Just Jokes, because I have been born into a world where I am taught that the white people who used their banking system to steal my freedom are bigger victims of their all-consuming God than black people are

This is actually the True history of "blackface"

The Religions that run the world used the Christian KKK to create the concept of wearing "blackface" because the Masons wanted to create American culture by portraying the white people as "good" and black people as "bad"

Jehovah's Masons have made money off of the systemic slavery of indigenous ch*ldren by painting the cultures they are cannibalizing as "evil demons" that the KKK needs to consume for America To Be Great

This is why English culture loves white people, and hates black people

It is because "blackface" is rooted in the fact that America is founded by white people who eat black people in order to r8pe and replace us

This is why white people have used English to identify every indigenous culture they enslave as "black"

It is because the Violent All-Consuming Fire, Jealous Jehovah, wants white people to consume all of the cultures that they are jealous of

This is EXPLICITLY why we, as Americans, are taught to worship Christopher Columbus as the man who "Discovered" America...

In reality, Masons idolize Christopher Columbus because he, as the Inventor of "Blackface," discovered America by cannibalizing Indigenous children and wearing our skin as a costume

That's right- Christopher Columbus created Blackface by Cannibalizing Children

This is why the Religion who runs the world teaches us to worship him as the man who discovered America

When Christopher Columbus cannibalizes children and wears our skin like a costume, he is worshipping Jealous Jehovah by using Yahweh's All-Consuming Fire to transform K'uK'ulKan's Land of the Free into The KuKluxKlan's Land of the Slave

This is Sad, but True. Christopher Columbus is the Mason that made Cannibalism the Culture that The European-American government has evolved into the "New World Order" that has consumed the globe

This is not a Coincidence, but very Intentional

The Jealous All-Consuming God, Jehovah, Is using the Past Lives of Metatron to make Jesus teach us that we only Live Once because he wants to consume everything that Mercury created

Jehovah defines himself as a Jealous God because he wants to be seen as all of the Gods that Metatron's Merkaba brought to earth

This is explicitly why Jehovah has taken Metatron's Many Past Lives and Manifested a Matrix that makes all of us believe we Only Live Once. This is how Jealous Jehovah uses his All-Consuming fire to cannibalize all of the indigenous ch*ldren that White Christians use Blackface to portray as "evil"

Do you see why American culture is obsessed with Blackface now? I hope I have made it clear for everybody, because these facts that I have shared are only going to be confirmed as I expand this series for all of us to learn from

The Racist Religions that run the entire banking system, and thus the entire Entertainment industry, know that everything I am sharing is true. This is why all of the products Masons produce prove the points my spirit wants you to see.

The producers of Hollywood's Masonic Entertainment know that they worship blackface because of the history tied to Christopher Columbus.

The Russian Banking System actively uses the Systemic Slavery of black people to support the Masonic desires of white people, because this is how the ewes manifest their destiny by forcing us to serve Jehovah's Jealousy

In Just Jokes, we will see how the Racist Religion that erases our Indigenous Individuality has been producing products to prove my points ever since they profited off of their "Birth of a Nation"

Join us in a World of Wisdom as I use Woden's Water to Weave a Web that supports spirits outside of my space by connecting these comedic clips in a context that corrects our Cultural Caduceus

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