@GalG____ is My Guest discussing Israel Deals, Green Pass and More

1 year ago

Gal Gur is a creator of public debates for the silenced voices law, and more so as a citizen, her critical thinking of COVID policies, the Green Pass policy, and the vaccine rollout in Israel. Gal looked at documents, and she analyzed the first contract between Israel Ministry of Health and Pfizer. This is the only document formally published on January 17, 2021. It is heavily redacted, “blacked out”. This contract was also an "information sharing deal" that collected data from Israelis COVID-19 vaccine recipients, gave it to Pfizer, who then provided it to the USA’s FDA for EUA purposes. The mechanism of the contract made Israeli citizens a product.

GalG on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GalG____
WEBSITE: https://linktr.ee/galgur?utm_source=linktree_admin_share
SUBSTACK: https://substack.com/profile/127788624-galg-adv?utm_medium=reader2-nav
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/GalGFORMAL
RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/GalG

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COVID Care Handout: https://bit.ly/COVIDCareWithTracker
1. For Health Care Professionals Working in a Hospital: How is Your COVID Ward? Empty? Full? Take Steve Kirsch’s Survey If you work in Healthcare. https://airtable.com/shriaQ9LiTRtCNxNO
2. NEW! If you are a data scientist wanting to help Steve Kirsch prove vaccines killed>saved, sign up here: https://airtable.com/shrs0UhoKd5I2GY3W?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
3. Hospital Hostage Hotline: 888-C19-EMERGency or 888-219-3637 and ProtocolKills.com
4. Hospital Hostage Assistance: https://GraithCare.com and graithcare.adm@gmail.com and (469) 864-7149
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6. Blood Transfusions: Blessed By His Blood: https://www.blessedbyhisblood.com/ - Join the Cooperative to Get Unvaccinated Blood - Donate
7. SAFE BLOOD DONATION: info@safeblood.ch | Tel. +41 79 55 99 079 | USA:  safeblood.us | INTERNATIONAL: safeblood.net | SEARCH FOR A DONOR: https://safeblood.ch/en/search/ | SEARCH FOR A MEDICAL PARTNER: https://safeblood.net/en/medicial-partner-search/
8. File a Medical Board Complaint: All 50 state medical board complaints: http://www.neglectreport.com/
9. File a Hospital Complaint with the Joint Commission: https://www.jointcommission.org/resources/patient-safety-topics/report-a-patient-safety-concern-or-complaint/
10. Report a Sentinel Event: https://www.truthforhealth.org/report-sentinel-event/
11. File a Criminal Complaint: https://www.truthforhealth.org/2022/02/how-to-file-a-criminal-complaint/
12. How Bad Is My Batch (of Vaccine): https://howbadismybatch.com/
13. Find My Legislator: https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/
14. To Be Interviewed by Dr. Aranda on her Rumble, especially for Hospital Death by Remdesivir: https://rumble.com/c/c-1793991 and/or email us at: TheRebelPatient.Substack.com

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