Love Your Liver Livestream 73: Sleep & #toxicbiletheory, "vitamin" A, copper, & zinc! Subscriber Q&A

1 year ago

"vitamin" A deficiency doesn't exist Twitter thread:

0:00 Intro

4:32 Toxic bile theory. Skin, sleep vs insomnia, & mineral / vitamin toxicity (involving copper & A / retinol) versus deficiency (e.g., zinc picolinate), eggs / choline, liver storage, alcohol / ethanol, all muscle meat carnivore, & proteins / amino acids (such as taurine).

14:46 Retinol binding protein, blood / serum, free fatty acids (including esters / FAE), toxic poison, underweight, undereating, starvation, weight loss, & diet low in calories. Zinc form / type (e.g., picolinate, citrate, acetate, glycerate, glycinate, bisglycinate, & monomethionine), homocysteine, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), folate, B12, hyperthyroidism vs hypothyroidism, & bile leak / leaking.

26:03 Obesity (weight gain), sleeping vs waking up, herbs / herbal remedies, heart palpitations, & trouble falling asleep. Cancer, cysts, circadian rhythm, diabetics / diabetes, & working graveyard / night shifts (carcinogenic).

43:09 Copper & plants (e.g., beans, peas, lentils, pulses / legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, & veggies / vegetables). Fats, oils, carotenoids, & the yellow / orange color. Accutane (isotretinoin), methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), sulphur / sulfur sources (egg white vs yolk), broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, garlic, onions, & the smell / stench of hell. Detox, retinal, retinoic acid, retinaldehyde, & aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH).

54:32 Dietary lectins, cholestasis, leaky gut, celiac disease, gluten intolerance / sensitivity, wheat allergy, bile ducts (damage), acid reflux, stomach ulcers (ulcerative colitis), & mental illness (e.g., anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, autism / Asperger's syndrome), anaphylactic shock, & food allergy / allergies. Heavy metals, testing / tests (poop / feces, pee / urine, plasma, hair, etc.), bioavailability, phenol / polyphenol, apples (skin vs pulp), grass-fed beef / cattle / cows (red meat), dairy (e.g., whey, casein, skim milk, butter / cream), swine / pigs / pork, beans (such as black and pinto), and rice (contains arsenic and cadmium). Cowboy diet versus eat the rainbow. Peeling before eating (e.g., involving apple, cucumber, and zucchini). White is superior / best / ideal.

1:09:59 White vs black vs red quinoa (cereal grain), blockage / blocked bile acid (e.g., from fructose, antihistamines, Aspirin / acetylsalicylic acid), allergens, histamines, sinusitis / sinus inflammation, nasal congestion, lymph / lymphatic system, antibiotics, antibodies (IGG and IGE), painkillers / pain killers, medical marijuana / cannabis / weed (CBD and THC), body fat, and drugs / medicine / pharmaceuticals.

1:21:29 Taurine function (what it does do), supplements, dose / dosage, addiction, vitamins, B complex, antidotes, time / duration paradox, dry eyes, night blindness, skin issues / problems (e.g., acne), anti-aging, beef / red meat, and chicken. Science of health and nutrition involved John Davison Rockefeller (and his family / descendants / ancestors), Friedrich Jacob Merck (and his group, or corporate business partnership), Charles Pfizer / Erhart (Parke-Davis is a pharmaceutical subsidiary of Pfizer), among others. Water, kidneys, peeing / urination (dark vs light vs clear), and hydration (overhydrated / overhydration versus dehydrated / dehydration).

1:36:33 Why it is hard to quit as an addict (involving smoke / smoking or vape / vaping, or drinking coffee or alcoholic drinks). Quitting cold turkey. Peer pressure and social acceptance. Drug effects (involving sedatives, depressants, antidepressants, and stimulants). Activated carbon / coal / charcoal (hardwood or bamboo; avoid coconut), and zinc (ideally picolinate). Liver inflammation (hepatitis), and hepatic steatosis / fibrosis (scarring) / cirrhosis. There are never any nutritional deficiencies caused by charcoal. Clearer apple juice from charcoal. Vitamin A toxicity causes scurvy. Information on vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Following fad diets; using bad advice involving nutrition; and fixing / reducing / eliminating symptoms of illness / disease / being sick.

1:51:38 Essential amino acids, liquid aminos, whey protein, collagen powder (hydrolyzed gelatin), and molybdenum (for sulfur detoxification). Conspiracy theory / theories (e.g., involving governments, corporations, banks, mainstream media / entertainment, health care, big pharma, and the medical industry / establishment). Conclusion.

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