Saturn Transit In Pisces | Ayurvedic Astrology For Mental Health

1 year ago

Saturn Transit In Pisces | Ayurvedic Astrology For Mental Health
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May we all be well, adapt and thrive! -Tim & Vie

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Episode 152

** Episode Topics **

Saturn transit in Pisces, Tuesday March 7 2023
Saturn transit in Pisces about an hour after the Full Moon
Saturn, the Sun, Neptune and Mercury are in Pisces
The Moon is in opposition with the Sun and in Virgo
Saturn is about discipline and time
Ayurvedically, Pisces is a water mutable, full of emotions and the Vata bioenergy
Pisces can represent intuition and inspiration but it can also represent illusions
Neptune represents the principle of personal beliefs and is the ruler of Pisces
Ayurvedically, Saturn in Pisces requires us to build based on our beliefs while following our intuition and inspiration
Saturn is forming a harmonious aspect (sextile) with Uranus
Uranus represents the principle of radical change
Mars is forming square aspects (challenges) with the Sun and the Moon
Mars represents the way we act
Black Moon (Lilith) is forming square aspects (challenges) with the South Lunar Node and the North Lunar Node
The Black Moon symbolizes our strongest fears
The South Lunar Node symbolizes what we have been too comfortable with for too long
The North Lunar Node symbolizes where we should be heading towards in order to become mentally stronger
The Lunar Nodes in Jyotish are known as Rahu and Ketu, the head and tail of a snake
The Black Moon (Lilith) is forming an inconjunct aspect with Mercury in Pisces
Mercury represents the stories we tell to ourselves
The inconjunct aspect denotes hesitation of action, and hesitation between choosing the easy way vs the hard way
Our strong repetitive tendencies are called samskaras in the Vedic philosophy
According to the Vedic philosophy, our samskaras keep us trapped in an infinite loop, the wheel of samsara
Ayurvedically, this transit of Saturn into Pisces requires us to sit with ourselves, reevaluate our fears, our dreams and our belief system, change what needs to be changed, decide on what to build, and get to work, regardless of not knowing whether what we are doing will prove fruitful or not
We practice Ayurvedic Astrology based on the ABLAS method of calculations
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May we all be well, adapt and thrive! -Tim and Vie

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May we all be well, adapt and thrive! - Tim and Vie

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