DeSantis On Banning Queer Theory And CRT: ‘We Want Education, Not Indoctrination’

1 year ago

DeSantis Bans African American Studies Course For Imposing Queer Theory, Critical Race Theory — “We Want Education, Not Indoctrination.”

“This was a separate course on top of that for Advanced Placement credit and the issue is we have guidelines and standards in Florida. We want education, not indoctrination. If you fall on the side of indoctrination, we’re going to decline. If it’s education, then we will do.”

“What’s one of the lessons about? Queer theory. Now, who would say that an important part of Black history is queer theory? That is somebody pushing an agenda on our kids. And so when you look to see they have stuff about intersectionality, abolishing prisons, that’s a political agenda. And so we’re on — that’s the wrong side of the line for Florida standards. We believe in teaching kids facts and how to think, but we don’t believe they should have an agenda imposed on them. When you try to use Black history to shoehorn in queer theory, you are clearly trying to use that for political purposes.”

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