Luminous Life - Group Mentorship Program

1 year ago

You are invited on a sacred journey of personal transformation and spiritual awakening to realize the fulfillment of your evolutionary capacity and embody your highest divine-human expression with support from a group coaching environment.

This immersive course includes 8 live online meetings spread out over 4 months where we will meet together as a global community to practice new skills, dive deep into spiritual wisdom teachings, and expand our offerings and path of service. Participants will have a database of video material, suggested reading, and at-home practices which can be done alone or with a partner, or with a group.

This course is perfect for those wanting to heal themselves, illuminate the mind, and come into focused alignment with their higher calling and purpose in life.

Course Completion & Certification:
Some may do this course solely for themselves and their own healing and awakening journey. Some may do this to be certified as a Luminous Life Coach. To complete certification, participants must complete all required video content and skill practicum and a short exit interview with Michael and Ron.

During this course, you will:
- Immerse yourself in knowledge, wisdom, and practices to heal all levels of your body-mind and stabilize yourself in liberated consciousness.

- Honor the symbiotic relationship between body, mind, & Spirit, and cultivate a deep reverent connection to yourself, the Divine, and all of Life.

- Revitalize, soothe, and harmonize your body-mind system to achieve higher levels of health and full-spectrum wellness.

- Break free of karmic cycles of suffering and limitation, and rise to your highest creative potential.

- Explore the depths of subconscious patterning to integrate past trauma, evolve beyond painful emotional patterns, and expand beyond limited egoic identity.

- Increase mental focus and develop radiant meditative awareness in all areas of life.

- Catalyze multidimensional transformation and activate intuitive skills and spiritual gifts.

- Cultivate willpower, determination, and leadership capacity to assist humanity and Earth through this global transformation.

- Grow as a healer, coach, spiritual guide, and metaphysical alchemist.

- Connect, grow, and collaborate with a global community of awakening beings, changemakers, truth servers, healers, visionaries, and pioneers of New Earth consciousness.

- Develop and launch services and outreach projects to catalyze positive transformation in your local community and online networks.

Who is this course for:
Anyone who wants to heal and awaken and anyone who wants to assist in the healing and awakening of humanity. This includes but is not limited to: mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, lovers, teachers, healers, coaches, social workers, therapists, medical professionals, psychologists, business leaders, ministers, public speakers, counselors, friends, and beyond.

Course Work:
This course includes eight live online meetings as well as videos, practices, and other skills to practice on your own.

Group Meetings with Michael:
Each meeting includes a group practice, course content review, Q&A, and community circle. This group-coaching method allows you to be seen, heard, and supported through your transformation and gives you the opportunity to connect with other like-minded people and grow as a community.

At-Home Work:
This will include pre-recorded videos from Michael and other teachers and professionals. Students are asked to activate a daily practice or enrich their current daily practice with the skills and knowledge shared throughout the course. We recommend joining with a partner or forming your own small group to practice together. We do ask that all participants sign the NEA membership form before starting the coursework.

Source.Energy Social Platform:
All the coursework will be uploaded onto our private social network. There are spaces in the course for participants to share posts on the course Feed, chat with other participants, and event announcements. Zoom links for the online in-person meetings will be listed in the overview section of the course.

Dates: (NZ & Oz dates are on the day later)

February 11 & 18
March 4 & 18
April 1 & 15 & 29
May 6
May 20 (keep open for those seeking certification)

1PM-5PM EST New York
6PM-10PM (GMT) London
10AM-2PM (PST) Seattle
7AM-11AM (NZDT) Aukland (one date later)
5AM-9AM (AEDT) Sydney (one date later)

Not able to attend these dates? You can still join the course. Each meeting will be uploaded for you to review.

Reciprocal Energy Exchange:
Michael is offering this course FREE from his heart to all who want to attend. The total market value for this course is estimated at around $2000+. Entry is open to all who genuinely want to heal themselves and serve the upliftment and h…

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