WARNING: Dead Body. Documenting James Sheets Injuries. All Youngstown Provided Body Cam. NSFW NSFC

2 years ago

This video is NOT Monetized. WARNING: There is a dead body in this video. When the Body Cam of the Officer with the dog walks by the car, you will see James Sheets dead.

We were provided with edited body cam footage. Some of that body cam footage is included here called "The Straight Edit" --- When the Body Cam of the Officer with the dog walks by the car, you will see James Sheets dead. However, he has taser wires coming out of his body on both sides. The Body Cam footage, Provided from Struthers, doest not show any tazer deployment.

There are thousands of people who believe that the body cam footage, provided & edited by Struthers, SHOWS A GUN BEING PLANTED BY Matt Haus; shielded by Tommy Schneeman. This was murder.

If we do not have all the body cam footage from Struthers by this Thursday, , May 19th, 2022, I'll file a lawsuit against the Struther's Police Dept.


D. Applying Exemptions
In Ohio, the public records of a public office belong to the people, not to the government officials holding the records.263 Accordingly, public records law must be liberally interpreted in favor of disclosure, and any exemptions in the law that permit certain types of records to be withheld from disclosure must be narrowly construed against the public records custodian.264 The public office has the burden of establishing that an exemption applies; the public office fails to meet that burden if it does not prove that the requested records fall squarely within a valid exemption.265 The Ohio Supreme Court has stated that “in enumerating very narrow, specific exceptions to the public records statute, the General Assembly has already weighed and balanced the competing public policy considerations between the public’s right to know how its state agencies make decisions and the potential harm, inconvenience or burden imposed on the agency by disclosure.”266

Even if a statute expressly states that specific records of a public office are public, it does not mean that all other records of that office are exempt from disclosure.267 The Public Records Act still applies to all the public records of the office. (p. 30)

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