My complaint to Portsmouth Libraries...

1 year ago

I sent my email to complain about Drag Queen Story Hour; an email they never responded to. So I decided to call. I've cut the first part of the call to protect the manager's identity.

Make of this what you will. Comment below your opinions.

My orginal email: To whom is in charge of organising this event August 5th 2022

Can you please explain why you feel it is appropriate with men in drag attire to perform and read books in front of small children?

I am involved with a group of women who are concerned with the safety and wellbeing of children, and exposing our community's children to gender ideology that has taken hold of our institutions. As a mother, and Gosport (and former Portsmouth resident) I am appalled by this blatant misogyny and indoctrination of LGBTQ+ of our children, this is leading to our children becoming confused about their sex en mass and irreversible harm physically, emotionally and mentally.

Look forward to hearing back from you.

#dragqueenstoryhour #portsmouth

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