Kary Mullis, rest in peace - Inventor of PCR - " PCR can find anything in anyone"

1 year ago

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Kary Banks Mullis (December 28, 1944 – August 7, 2019) was an American biochemist. In recognition of his role in the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith[2] and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. PCR became a central technique in biochemistry and molecular biology, described by The New York Times as "highly original and significant, virtually dividing biology into the two epochs of before PCR and after PCR."[3] Mullis attracted controversy for downplaying humans' role in climate change and for expressing doubts that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS.[4][5][6]

1 Early life
2 Career
2.1 PCR and other inventions
2.2 Accreditation of the PCR technique
3 Views on HIV/AIDS and climate change
4 Use of hallucinogens
5 Personal life
6 Selected publications
7 Awards and honors
8 See also
9 References
10 Further reading
11 External links
11.1 Interviews

Early life

Mullis was born in Lenoir, North Carolina, near the Blue Ridge Mountains,[7] on December 28, 1944 to Cecil Banks Mullis and Bernice Barker Mullis.[8] His family had a background in farming in this rural area. As a child, Mullis said, he was interested in observing organisms in the countryside.[9] He and his cousins would often taunt livestock by feeding them through electric fences, and Kary was mostly interested in the spiders in his grandparents' basement.[10] He grew up in Columbia, South Carolina,[9] where he attended Dreher High School,[11] graduating in the class of 1962. He recalled his interest in chemistry beginning when he learned how to chemically synthesize and build solid fuel propulsion rockets as a high school student during the 1960s.[12]

He earned a Bachelor of Science in chemistry[7] from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta in 1966, during which time he married his first wife, Richards Haley, and started a business.[13] He earned his PhD in 1973 in biochemistry at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), in J. B. Neilands' laboratory, which focused on synthesis and structure of bacterial iron transporter molecules.[14] Although he published a sole-author paper in Nature in the field of astrophysics in 1968,[15] he struggled to pass his oral exams (with a colleague recalling that "He didn’t get his propositions right. He didn’t know general biochemistry"), and his dissertation was only accepted after several friends pitched in to "cut all the whacko stuff out of it" while his advisor lobbied the committee to reconsider its initial decision.[16]

His doctoral dissertation was on the structure of the bacterial siderophore schizokinen[17] J.B. Neilands was known for his groundbreaking work on siderophores, and Mullis was a part of that with his characterization of schizokinen.[18] Following his graduation, Mullis completed postdoctoral fellowships in pediatric cardiology at the University of Kansas Medical Center (1973-1977) and pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco (1977-1979).[19]

After receiving his doctorate, Mullis briefly left science to write fiction before accepting the University of Kansas fellowship.[13] During his postdoctoral work, he managed a bakery for two years.[3] Mullis returned to science at the encouragement of UC Berkeley friend and colleague Thomas White, who secured Mullis's UCSF position and later helped Mullis land a position with the biotechnology company Cetus Corporation of Emeryville, California.[9][3] Despite little experience in molecular biology, Mullis worked as a DNA chemist at Cetus for seven years, ultimately serving as head of the DNA synthesis lab under White, then the firm's director of molecular and biological research; it was there, in 1983, that Mullis invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure.[20]

Mullis acquired a reputation for erratic behavior at Cetus, once threatening to bring a gun to work; he also engaged in "public lovers' quarrels" with his then-girlfriend (a fellow chemist at the company) and "nearly came to blows with another scientist" at a staff party, according to California Magazine.[16] White recalled: "It definitely put me in a tough spot. His behavior was so outrageous that the other scientists thought that the only reason I didn't fire him outright was that he was a friend of mine."[16]

After resigning from Cetus in 1986, Mullis served as director of molecular biology for Xytronyx, Inc. in San Diego for two years. While inventing a UV-sensitive ink at Xytronyx, he became skeptical of the existence of the ozone hole.

Thereafter, Mullis worked intermittently as a consultant for multiple corporations and institutions on nucleic acid chemistry and as an expert witness specializing in DNA profiling.[19][3] While writing a National Institutes of Health grant progress report on the development of a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test for Specialty Labs, he became skeptical that HIV was the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).[21] In 1992, Mullis founded a business to sell pieces of jewelry containing the amplified DNA of deceased famous people such as Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe.[22][23] In the same year, he also founded Atomic Tags in La Jolla, California. The venture sought to develop technology using atomic-force microscopy and bar-coded antibodies tagged with heavy metals to create highly multiplexed, parallel immunoassays.

Mullis was a member of the USA Science and Engineering Festival's Advisory Board.[24] In 2014, he was named a distinguished researcher at the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute in Oakland, California.[25]
PCR and other inventions
Main articles: Taq Polymerase and History of polymerase chain reaction

In 1983, Mullis was working for Cetus Corporation as a chemist.[13] Mullis recalled that, while driving in the vicinity of his country home in Mendocino County (with his girlfriend, who also was a chemist at Cetus), he had the idea to use a pair of primers to bracket the desired DNA sequence and to copy it using DNA polymerase; a technique that would allow rapid amplification of a small stretch of DNA and become a standard procedure in molecular biology laboratories.[13] Longtime professional benefactor and supervisor Thomas White reassigned Mullis from his usual projects to concentrate on PCR full-time after the technique was met with skepticism by their colleagues.[13][16] Mullis succeeded in demonstrating PCR on December 16, 1983, but the staff remained circumspect as he continued to produce ambiguous results amid alleged methodological problems, including a perceived lack of "appropriate controls and repetition."[13][16] In his Nobel Prize lecture, he remarked that the December 16 breakthrough did not make up for his girlfriend breaking up with him: "I was sagging as I walked out to my little silver Honda Civic. Neither [assistant] Fred, empty Beck's bottles, nor the sweet smell of the dawn of the age of PCR could replace Jenny. I was lonesome."[13]

Other Cetus scientists who were regarded as "top-notch experimentalists",[16] including Randall Saiki, Henry Erlich, and Norman Arnheim, were placed on parallel PCR projects to work on determining if PCR could amplify a specific human gene (betaglobin) from genomic DNA. Saiki generated the needed data and Erlich authored the first paper to include utilization of the technique,[3] while Mullis was still working on the paper that would describe PCR itself.[13] Mullis's 1985 paper with Saiki and Erlich, "Enzymatic Amplification of β-globin Genomic Sequences and Restriction Site Analysis for Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Anemia" — the polymerase chain reaction invention (PCR) — was honored by a Citation for Chemical Breakthrough Award from the Division of History of Chemistry of the American Chemical Society in 2017.[26][27]

A drawback of the technique was that the DNA polymerase in the reaction was destroyed by the high heat used at the start of each replication cycle and had to be replaced. In 1986, Saiki started to use Thermophilus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase to amplify segments of DNA. The Taq polymerase was heat resistant and only needed to be added to the reaction once, making the technique dramatically more affordable and subject to automation. This modification of Mullis's invention revolutionized biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, medicine, and forensics. UC Berkeley biologist David Bilder said, "PCR revolutionized everything. It really superpowered molecular biology—which then transformed other fields, even distant ones like ecology and evolution. … It’s impossible to overstate PCR’s impact. The ability to generate as much DNA of a specific sequence as you want, starting from a few simple chemicals and some temperature changes—it’s just magical."[16] Although he received a $10,000 bonus from Cetus for the invention, the company's later sale of the patent to Roche Molecular Systems for $300 million would lead Mullis to condemn White and members of the parallel team as "vultures."[13][16]

Mullis also invented a UV-sensitive plastic that changes color in response to light.[28]

He founded Altermune LLC in 2011 to pursue new ideas on the immune system.[29] Mullis described the company's product thusly:

It is a method using specific synthetic chemical linkers to divert an immune response from its nominal target to something completely different which you would right now like to be temporarily immune to. Let’s say you just got exposed to a new strain of the flu. You’re already immune to alpha-1,3-galactosyl-galactose bonds. All humans are. Why not divert a fraction of those antibodies to the influenza strain you just picked up. A chemical linker synthesized with an alpha-1,3-gal-gal bond on one end and a DNA aptamer devised to bind specifically to the strain of influenza you have on the other end, will link anti-alpha-Gal antibodies to the influenza virus and presto, you have fooled your immune system into attacking the new virus.[7]

In a TED Talk, Mullis describes how the US Government paid $500,000 for Mullis to use this new technology against anthrax. He said the treatment was 100% effective, compared to the previous anthrax treatment which was 40% effective.[30]

Another proof-of-principle of this technology, re-targeting pre-existing antibodies to the surface of a pathogenic strep bacterium using an alpha-gal modified aptamer ("alphamer"), was published in 2015 in collaboration with scientists at the University of California, San Diego.[31][32] Mullis said he was inspired to fight this particular strep bacterium because it had killed his friend.[30]
Accreditation of the PCR technique
See also: History of polymerase chain reaction

A concept similar to that of PCR had been described before Mullis's work. Nobel laureate H. Gobind Khorana and Kjell Kleppe, a Norwegian scientist, authored a paper 17 years earlier describing a process they termed "repair replication" in the Journal of Molecular Biology.[33] Using repair replication, Kleppe duplicated and then quadrupled a small synthetic molecule with the help of two primers and DNA polymerase. The method developed by Mullis used repeated thermal cycling, which allowed the rapid and exponential amplification of large quantities of any desired DNA sequence from an extremely complex template. Later a heat-stable DNA polymerase was incorporated into the process.

His co-workers at Cetus, who were embittered by his abrupt departure from the company,[13] contested that Mullis was solely responsible for the idea of using Taq polymerase in PCR. However, other scientists[who?] have written that the "full potential [of PCR] was not realized" until Mullis's work in 1983,[34] and that Mullis's colleagues failed to see the potential of the technique when he presented it to them.[22] As a result, some controversy surrounds the balance of credit that should be given to Mullis versus the team at Cetus.[3] In practice, credit has accrued to both the inventor and the company (although not its individual workers) in the form of a Nobel Prize and a $10,000 Cetus bonus for Mullis and $300 million for Cetus when the company sold the patent to Roche Molecular Systems. After DuPont lost out to Roche on that sale, the company unsuccessfully disputed Mullis's patent on the alleged grounds that PCR had been previously described in 1971.[13] Mullis and Erlich took Cetus' side in the case, and Khorana refused to testify for DuPont; the jury upheld Mullis's patent in 1991.[13] However, in February 1999, the patent of Hoffman-La Roche (United States Patent No. 4,889,818) was found by the courts to be unenforceable, after Dr. Thomas Kunkel testified in the case Hoffman-La Roche v. Promega Corporation[35] on behalf of the defendants (Promega Corporation) that "prior art" (i.e. articles on the subject of Taq polymerase published by other groups prior to the work of Gelfand and Stoffel, and their patent application regarding the purification of Taq polymerase) existed, in the form of two articles, published by Alice Chien et al. in 1976,[36] and A. S. Kaledin et al. in 1980.[37]

The anthropologist Paul Rabinow wrote a book on the history of the PCR method in 1996,[38] in which he discusses whether Mullis "invented" PCR or merely came up with the concept of it.[39]
Views on HIV/AIDS and climate change
See also: Climate change denial

In his 1998 autobiography, Mullis expressed disagreement with the scientific evidence supporting climate change and ozone depletion and asserted his belief in astrology.[40][41] He claimed that climate change and HIV/AIDS theories were promulgated as a form of racketeering by environmentalists, government agencies, and scientists attempting to preserve their careers and earn money.[21] Mullis said science was being harmed by "the never-ending quest for more grants and staying with established dogmas", and that "science is being practiced by people who are dependent on being paid for what they are going to find out," not for what they actually produce.[13] The New York Times listed Mullis as one of several scientists who, after success in their area of research, go on to make unfounded, sometimes bizarre statements in other areas.[42]

Mullis also questioned the scientific validity of the link between HIV and AIDS, despite never having done any scientific research on either subject,[43][44] leading some[who?] to label him an AIDS denialist.[45][46] He wrote that he began to question the AIDS consensus while writing a NIH grant progress report and being unable to find a peer-reviewed reference that HIV was the cause of AIDS.[21][47][third-party source needed] He published an alternative hypothesis for AIDS in 1994,[48] claiming that AIDS is an arbitrary diagnosis used when HIV antibodies are found in a patient's blood.[49] Seth Kalichman, AIDS researcher and author of Denying AIDS, names Mullis "among the who's who of AIDS pseudoscientists".[50] Mullis was criticized[by whom?] for his association with HIV skeptic Peter Duesberg.[51][failed verification] According to California Magazine, Mullis's HIV skepticism influenced Thabo Mbeki's denialist policymaking throughout his tenure as president of South Africa from 1999 to 2008, contributing to as many as 330,000 unnecessary deaths.[16]
Use of hallucinogens

Mullis practiced clandestine chemistry throughout his graduate studies, specializing in the synthesis of LSD; according to his friend Tom White, "I knew he was a good chemist because he'd been synthesizing hallucinogenic drugs at UC Berkeley."[16] He detailed his experiences synthesizing and testing various psychedelic amphetamines and a difficult trip on DET in his autobiography.[21] In a Q&A interview published in the September 1994 issue of California Monthly, Mullis said, "Back in the 1960s and early 1970s I took plenty of LSD. A lot of people were doing that in Berkeley back then. And I found it to be a mind-opening experience. It was certainly much more important than any courses I ever took."[52][verification needed] During a symposium held for centenarian Albert Hofmann, Hofmann said Mullis had told him that LSD had "helped him develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences".[53]
Personal life

Mullis was a surfer[40][54] and played the guitar. He married four times[13] and had three children by two of his wives. At the time of his death, he had two grandchildren and was survived by his fourth wife, Nancy (née Cosgrove[55][56]). Mullis died on August 7, 2019 at his home in Newport Beach, California,[5][57] from complications of pneumonia.[5][16][58]
Selected publications

Mullis, Kary (1968). "Cosmological Significance of Time Reversal". Nature. 218 (5142): 663–664. Bibcode:1968Natur.218..663M. doi:10.1038/218663b0. S2CID 4151884.
Mullis, K.F.; Faloona, F.; Scharf, S.; Saiki, R.; Horn, G.; Erlich, H. (1986). "Specific enzymatic amplification of DNA in vitro: The polymerase chain reaction". Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 51: 263–273. doi:10.1101/sqb.1986.051.01.032. PMID 3472723.
Mullis, Kary B. (April 1990). "The Unusual Origin of the Polymerase Chain Reaction". Scientific American. 262 (4): 56–65. Bibcode:1990SciAm.262d..56M. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0490-56. PMID 2315679.
The Polymerase Chain Reaction, 1994, co-edited with Francious Ferre and Richard A. Gibbs (Basel: Birkhauser) ISBN 0-8176-3750-8 ISBN 978-0-8176-3750-7.
Mullis, Kary B. (1995). "A hypothetical disease of the immune system that may bear some relation to the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome". Genetica. 95 (1–3): 195–197. doi:10.1007/BF01435010. PMID 7744261. S2CID 28158163.
Mullis's 1998 autobiography Dancing Naked in the Mind Field (ISBN 978-0-679-77400-6) gives his account of the commercial development of PCR, as well as providing insights into his opinions and experiences. In the book, Mullis chronicles his romantic relationships, use of LSD, synthesis and self-testing of novel psychoactive substances, belief in astrology and an encounter with an extraterrestrial in the form of a fluorescent raccoon.[40]

Awards and honors

1990: William Allan Memorial Award of the American Society of Human Genetics,[59] Preis Biochemische Analytik of the German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Boehringer Mannheim[60]
1991: National Biotechnology Award,[61] Gairdner Award,[61] R&D Scientist of the Year,[61] John Scott Award of the City Trusts of Philadelphia[62]
1992: California Scientist of the Year Award[61]
1992: Robert Koch Prize[63]
1993: Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Japan Prize,[1] Thomas A. Edison Award[61]
1994: Honorary degree of Doctor of Science from the University of South Carolina[25]
1994: Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement[64]
1998: Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame,[65] Ronald H. Brown American Innovator Award[66]
2004: Honorary degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the University of Bologna, Italy[67]
2010: Honorary degree of Doctor honoris causa in the field of biological sciences from Masaryk University, Czech Republic[68]


Help me get into the fight, time for talk is over 1BcARpYZZgRvAvchurWH5guu87k4t3oYN2
Covid vaccines not properly tested

I am extremely concerned about the fact that the novel gene-based Covid vaccines are resulting in deaths, sometimes of quite young people, or causing miscarriages, blindness, neurological symptoms and so on, but that few MPs mention this and Government adverts tell us that vaccines are safe even for pregnant women. It seems that the risk/benefit equation does not add up, especially then the average age of death from Covid is 82.5 years. These are vaccines still in clinical trials and authorised for emergency use only. There should be enough important data on excess deaths to show that there is and has been no emergency.

A distressing example of harm is the death of a healthy young baby at 5 months after being breast fed by a mother vaccinated against Covid. This appears in a US Vaers report.

In fact there is no informed consent. My experience is that the NHS sends out a leaflet saying vaccines are safe and you are invited to a vaccine centre without prior notification of the vaccine to be used, and without your doctor present helping you to decide. In Scotland the patient information leaflet was given to my neighbour, but only when the needle was poised to enter the arm. Few people seem to realise that the vaccine is still in clinical trials.

I have many other concerns about harms caused by Government actions. I will list them under various headings. I see that the Hart Group (Health Advisory and Recovery Team) has addressed some of the issues I mention in this bulletin https://www.hartgroup.org/6-may-2021/ and I will refer to this.

Vaccine deaths and adverse effects

The daily rate of vaccine deaths is now higher than Covid deaths. Death figures in the UK for the 2 main vaccines at the links below are 1227 plus 149 miscarriages, the latter figure showing a steep rise.



It is estimated that a maximum of 10% of adverse events are reported via the Yellow Card, which means actual deaths will be about 12,270 and miscarriages about 1490, at a minimum. On the other hand very few of the Covid deaths are likely to have been caused by Covid. They are only designated as “with Covid” based on a highly inaccurate and inappropriate test. Thus vaccine deaths are likely to be vastly higher than actual Covid deaths at present. We are told that vaccines are preventing deaths. We do not know this. The decline in “Covid deaths” could be attributed to changing the Ct value of the PCR test or just because the virus is disappearing or because of pre-acquired natural immunity via T-cells etc.

The facts are that these vaccines were approved for emergency use only. There is now no emergency and they should be withdrawn, especially as clinical trials do not finish until 2023 and as we now have a safe and effective treatment in ivermectin (Hart bulletin) and other drugs and supplements.

A review of ivermectin studies is here: https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/06000/review_of_the_emerging_evidence_demonstrating_the.4.aspx

Other treatment includes the use of corticosteroids and antihistamines if symptoms are still present on the 8th day of illness as suggested by Dr. Shakara Chetty here: https://covexit.com/the-8th-day-therapy-for-covid-19/. In the UK this is being followed up by Dr. Chris Newton here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-newton-813ab229/detail/recent-activity/shares/

Animal trials for these vaccines are not even complete. It is misleading to say that they do not affect fertility. There is no data for this yet. (Hart) Neither is there any long-term safety data. Neurological effects, for example, may take 3 years to develop. The Astrazeneca blood-clotting issues are now well-known and many younger people have died because of this. There are however other concerns e.g. the spike proteins which the vaccine causes the body to produce, may cause disease in other parts of the body: https://www.salk.edu/news-release/the-novel-coronavirus-spike-protein-plays-additional-key-role-in-illness/ and https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2020-N-1898-0246. At the end of this email is a link to a comprehensive article about the Covid-19 vaccine.

Effect on fertility: as there is no data on this yet (Hart), it is highly misleading of the RCOG to state that " “We want to reassure women that there is no evidence to suggest that Covid-19 vaccines will affect fertility. Claims of any effect of Covid-19 vaccination on fertility are speculative and not supported by any data” . In fact there is no evidence to suggest that it does not affect fertility. In addition one doctor has grave concerns about this: https://www.jennifermargulis.net/halt-covid-vaccine-research-scientist-urges-cdc/

Individual examples of harms and deaths:

1. 12 year old girl in Moderna trial paralysed from waist down etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GKIFgmm7xI

2. Young man has heart attack after Pfizer jab despite healthy cardiovascular system: https://twitter.com/HowardSteen4/status/1388043539108429827

3. Fit and healthy 32-year old man dies after AZ jab: https://twitter.com/GillRaeWalker/status/1388072474491895808m

4. 27 year old man dies after AZ jab: https://twitter.com/robinmonotti2/status/1388381054688546817 (includes link to site for other deaths)

5. Death of fit and healthy woman after 2nd jab: https://twitter.com/RealJoelSmalley/status/1391017188509769733

Plan to vaccinate children and child vaccine deaths

This is covered by Hart. Children are at no risk from Covid and must surely NOT be vaccinated with an experimental, new type of vaccine, with no long-term safety data. Why do teaching unions want this? To protect teachers? Since the vaccine trials were not set up to test the spread of the virus (see table1 here: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4037 ) then the union campaign must be based on an irrational belief in the myth of asymptomatic spread, still promoted by Mr Hancock and government adverts. But it has been proven that the Sars-Cov-2 virus is only likely to be spread by those with definite symptoms, aside from the short pre-symptomatic phase. The evidence is here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w and https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4851 and https://probabilityandlaw.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-cambridge-study-testing.html

Out of 4000 children vaccinated in the US, 9 died, 7 almost died and 3 were permanently disabled . Many secondary schools have over 2000 pupils, so there would a lot of casualties in one school alone, if children were to be vaccinated. I assume we don’t want this. This data comes from these 2 websites: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-demographics-trends and https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html.

Vaccine adverse effects can transfer to the unvaccinated if they come into close contact with the vaccinated

This is described by Pfizer as occurring through “environmental exposure” to the vaccinated via inhalation or skin contact. This is described here: https://media.tghn.org/medialibrary/2020/11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020_Pfizer_BioNTech.pdf in Section 8.3.5. Of particular concern to Pfizer is “exposure during pregnancy” (EDP) and this must be reported within 24 hours.

From reports so far, these transferred adverse events seem particularly to cause havoc with female reproductive systems as described at Questions 3 to 5 of this document: https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/action-alerts/identifying-post-vaccination-complications-their-causes-an-analysis-of-covid-19-patient-data

Is anyone in the UK following these reports up?

No end in sight

Unfortunately, I am aware that the Government’s intention is to continue fear-mongering using the myth of asymptomatic spread and fear of variants. The proof that Government wishes restrictions, testing and vaccines to continue is

1. that various councils are advertising for Covid Marshalls

2. that the government wants to "normalise testing as part of everyday life” which was part of the job description (now deleted) for an “Interim Head of Asymptomatic Testing Communication”, copied here: https://twitter.com/GillRaeWalker/status/1377364958753615873 and

3. that in April they were also offering a 2 year contract to a Covid advertising contractor. They also continue this social conditioning by allowing leaks from Sage officials on TV and to the press. Surely these people should not be on TV offering their opinions. Any announcements should be made by Government ministers only.

Mental health hypocrisy

Aside from the devastating effects of lockdowns (not Covid) on people’s lives and livelihoods, the emotionally manipulative and misleading advertising and statements from Government have caused this directly. The “case’ and “death” figures have been exaggerated and taken out of context, so that there has NEVER been a balanced presentation of possible dangers from Sars-Cov-2. The Government is therefore only paying lip service to the huge short and long-term mental health problems developing, by talking about funding for it. What they need to do is stop the adverts, stop pointless testing of healthy people and restart normal life without coercive pressures NOW. Coercive pressure includes Covid-status certification. The suppression of the voices of scientists and doctors whose views differ from those of Sage also need to be heard and a mature debate needs to be had.

My position

I will not be having a Covid vaccine, due to the lack of knowledge of long-term effects of this new gene-based technology, because of the low infection fatality rate and because I trust that either my immune system will deal with it or I can use proven treatments such as ivermectin. I do not believe “case” figures, because I know that many positive test results are false positives. I believe asymptomatic spread is rare. I know that far fewer people than 120,000 died FROM Covid. I will not submit to testing unless I have serious symptoms. I do not own a smartphone and never will, so will not be using the various NHS apps. I will never use any sort of medical status certification as I believe it is coercive and divisive. As a result I may never see my mother, brother, 2 sister and 6 nephews again as they live on different continents. This is sad, but I will not bow to coercive pressure.

A few months ago, every MP received a briefing from Drs. Craig, Yeadon, Joel Smalley and Jonathan Engler, in which the confusion over data and the inadequacy of PCR tests was clarified by experts, but MPs took no action. But because of this I have signed the UK Citizens’ Declaration of Freedom and Human Rights, which can be found here: http://ukcitizen2021.org/

Would you please:

Ask the Government to find a uniform system of reporting verified Covid deaths and Vaccine deaths and side effects, so that there can be fair comparisons and accurate figures. The cause of deaths from now on needs to be confirmed and verifiable if we are not to continue in restrictions for years to come. The Yellow Card system needs to be improved and used by all.

Ask the Government to fully investigate treatments for Covid 19, instead of spending money on testing those with no symptoms and rolling out experimental vaccines.

Ask the Government to stop advertising misleading information such as “vaccines are safe” and "1 in 3 people could be spreading the virus”.

Ask the Government to make people fully aware of the risks of taking the vaccine and that clinical trials are not finished, so that there is informed consent.

Ask the Government to encourage diverse scientific contributions to the policy and disband Sage, which contains too many non-medical people.

Ask the Government to lift censorship of dissenting views everywhere - especially on the media and social media, which has recently banned anyone talking about ivermectin.

Please also read this alternative view by Professor (retired) Romeo F. Quijano, Dept. Of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila available here: https://www.academia.edu/45058943/Should_We_Take_the_Vaccine_Against_Covid_19

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