Nazi 5th Reich Blackwater nephilim Ukrainian army killing human Ukrainian citizens & human soldiers

1 year ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (November 2022). Satan Lucifer's Shambhala Venusian Nazi 5th Reich imperial space fleet’s 70% infiltrated android army & chimera hybrid avatar army Blackwater company Ukrainian Nazi SS infiltrator soldiers seem to be shooting the human specie’s Ukrainian citizens and human specie unarmed Ukrainian soldiers in the back for refusing to shoot the human unarmed citizens. They see the humans and humanoids and rival factions and allies and ethnicities and all the universe’s free-thinking free-willed organic life forms and all eugenics categorized people and creatures not demon-possessed by their fallen angel devils’ AI “black goo” hive-mind zombie Borg nanites as cockroach extermination pest species. They are starting their extermination with God’s earth which guards the universe before they move onto the rest of the universe to replace with their automaton life forms civilization which they consider perfection. The Borg are a pure form of evil demon-possessed and controlled by the fallen angel devils and not perfection. End of transmission…

Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble cowardly fighting tactics hell’s army love to attack while we are sleeping. I see a pattern they seem to be following, recently. Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble kitchen chef hell’s army tried to cook me alive with CIA microwave oven weapons or 5G towers or wormhole teleporting demon assassins, so that my arms and clothes starting getting wet with microwave roast chicken juice, but I believe God stopped it. Then, Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble pervert astral molester hell’s army seem to have removed all the ropes typing the massage machine over my genital and used PSYOP to make it feel like it was playing around with my genital, and God brought me to say, “The Lord rebuke you,” and “I have authority to trample over snakes and scorpions, and power over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing can harm us, so be gone.” Then, Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble thought-manipulation nausea-frequency hell’s army started attacking possibly my heart to cause nausea and numb hands as usual, and was interjecting their evil thoughts and scenarios into my mind to try to use my sin nature to sin, but God came in with his Holy Spirit’s thoughts to counter their evil thoughts. When they attack supernaturally with violations of our own thought while we sleep, and with junk fallen angel technologies, and with teleporting or “thorn in the flesh illegal home body trespasser” demons, and with all their unfair cowardly methods, then God will counter them with greater force and ability and his Holy Spirit, because God will carry us above all their levels of attacks and stratagem and spiritual powers. He is greater than all of them, and he protects his Church. We are not some kind of Western feminist nations’ “Bible verses redefining women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” “Satan Lucifer’s post-1960s cross-dress-project men’s trousers wearing” “unbiblical post-1873 10% salary tithe income tax stealing” religious Christian horde or pastor, who replaced Jesus with hundreds of foreign gods like Jezebel & Sananda Jesus & Mammon & Adephagia to be destroyed by sword & famine & plague & demon armies, but we are God’s true Church remnant Church Saints real Christians “Bride of Christ” “Body of Christ,” who uphold God’s name & honor & righteousness & testimony & witness & reputation & original Bible verses who is Christ the Word of God & Jesus’ self-sacrificial love. The true real Christians and the fake harlot Church’s “naked women’s heads” “men’s pants cross-dressers” “10% income tax thief” fake Christians are two different breed of Christians.

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