November 13th, as part of World Kindness Day,

1 year ago

On November 13th, as part of World Kindness Day, we are encouraged to spread kindness like an infectious cold. We want to share it more than usual because studies show when others observe kindness in action they are more likely to carry out an act of kindness, too.

So, imagine if you head out for the day and your neighbor’s garbage can has tipped over. Instead of ignoring it and letting the wind make a mess, you pick it up and return it to the corner. Three other neighbors notice and give you a smile and a nod on their way to work.

One of those neighbors notices a stranded driver on the side of the road on his commute to work. He remembers your thoughtfulness and offers assistance to the stranded driver. Several passersby take notice.

At a business office, a woman struggles with a paper jam. She’s had a horrible day. The customer has been waiting, but she remembers the stranded driver she passed earlier in the day. The customer lets the office worker take her time. Anyone can have a bad day, but this prevents it from getting worse and may even make it better.

We each have the potential to improve each others’ lives through understanding and kindness. Whether it’s a friend, family member, coworker, or stranger, our ability to show our humanity should have no limit.

On World Kindness Day, let your compassion shine brightly. Get caught showing as much kindness as possible, too.

For more inspiration on leading a life of kindness, Orly Wahba has written a book, and her organization Life Vest Inside produced a short film called Kindness Boomerang.

Use #WorldKindnessDay to share on social media.

Did you know one of the simplest ways to be kind is through our words? Check out these 11 Things to Say Just Because.

The World Kindness Movement started World Kindness Day in 1998 and has spread to 28 countries.

November 13th Celebrated (And Not So Celebrated) History

The Holland Tunnel connecting New York and New Jersey under the Hudson River officially opens to traffic. It is the first underwater tunnel in the United States designed for vehicular traffic.

Walt Disney releases the animated musical film Fantasia. In its original release, Disney demonstrated the untapped potential of animation.

From the 8 Mile soundtrack, Eminem releases the single “Lose Yourself.” It would become the first rap song to win the Academy Award for Best Original Song.

After four years and nine months of construction, 4 World Trade Center opens to the public.

November 13th Celebrated (And Not So Celebrated) Birthdays

Robert Louis Stevenson – 1850

The Scottish writer and poet are best known for his works Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Betty Whiting – 1925
As a utility player, Whiting spent an amazing 9 seasons in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. During her career, her notable abilities at first base led to a particularly successful 1952 season.

David Green – 1941
In 1972, the entrepreneur founded a chain of arts and craft stores by the name of Hobby Lobby.

Scott McNealy – 1954
The American businessman joined Binod Khosla, Bill Joy, and Andy Bechtolsheim in 1982 and founded the technology company Sun Microsystems.

Whoopi Goldberg – 1955
The award-winning actress and comedian currently co-host The View. Some of her film credits include Sister Act, The Color Purple, and Boys on the Side.
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