November 11th, International Origami Day

1 year ago


On November 11th, International Origami Day celebrates this unique art form that originated in Japan. It’s also a day to learn more about origami and use it to create something from paper.

Have you ever seen someone take a square piece of paper and fold it into a shape or image? If so, you have witnessed someone using an art form called origami. The original term is kata, which means folded shapes. The word transitioned to origami in 1880.

According to some historians, origami existed in the 1600s. The earliest set of written instructions on origami came out in 1764. Folding images from paper became a vital skill for aristocrats and high-ranking Japanese soldiers. Because paper was very expensive, only those in the upper class did origami. When paper prices decreased, origami spread throughout Japanese society. When the isolationist foreign policy of Japan ended in 1853, origami made its way to other parts of the world.

International interest in origami was spurred by Akira Yoshizawa. He developed current standards for origami practices. Additionally, the cultural ambassador of Japan designed countless origami patterns. It’s no surprise that Akira Yoshizawa became known as the father of modern origami.
Most people today use the standard 6-inch square paper to make origami. The most popular things to make include the fortune teller, crane, lotus flower, jumping frog, butterfly, swan, hat, and heart. Besides providing an outlet for your creativity, there are other benefits of origami. Along with encouraging relaxation, origami strengthens eye-hand coordination and develops fine motor skills. Additionally, this art form enhances math skills and supports mental concentration.

HOW TO OBSERVE #InternationalOrigamiDay
On this day, origami groups and associations from around the world hold online classes, make video tutorials, and have origami exhibitions. To participate:
Have an origami day party with friends and family.

Learn more about the history of origami.
Find easy origami projects online and do some with your kids.
Read books about origami, such as “Everyone Can Learn Origami,” “Dinosaur Origami”, or “Origami from Angelfish to Zen”.
Post a picture of your origami creation on social media with #InternationalOrigamiDay.

The Nippon Origami Association chose November 11th as International Origami Day in Japan. This day matches the idea of peace as expressed by Remembrance Day. One of Japan’s symbols of peace is the origami crane.

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