Why Religions HATE Science and fool you into hating Science too

1 year ago

Why Religions Hate Science and fool you into Science too.

Well, technically it's not all religions that hate science, more specifically it is the Abrahamic religions that wage their wars on Science. Christianity, Islam and Judaism.


All religions are cults, and all cults fabricate a history and a dialogue that is based in fiction. 100% fiction. It takes a dumbed down and poor kind of mind to be vulnerable to a cult and religions not only feed on such minds but require such defiled minds, for by the nature of science, the mind is improved and science develops the mind and with enough time in thinking the way science calls a person to think, the mind becomes immune to the parasitic disease of religion. A mental illness. Science causes the mind to outgrow a cults lies and nonsense, and such threatens religions. Socrates was imprisoned and forced to drink poison as his death sentence, the poison of religion. His crime, improving the natural flawed mind.

The government tells then that Jesus flew away and people believe that Jesus flew away, but scientists do not and furthermore it is more likely that Jesus did not even exist for cults never have interest in fact or factual history. Jesus is entirely a means to an end, a tool in the business of religion, and nothing more.

In contrast, science is the means of determining and discovering truth, and that is why religion is against science. For it uncovers the lie that is religion. It shines a light on religion and all that sees are liberated.

Religions have tried to argue against science and have lost each and every time in history, Copernicus in 1543 in his famous work De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, directly challenged the teachings of the Book of Genesis. The Solar centric solar system versus the religious Earth centric system, and the cults were completely wrong. It seems they cannot understand the Universe their so-called God created, yet they are the authority on such things. It is laughable, but ultimately the ridicule is diverted to the believer, who under all ridiculousness still props up the cult. Their effort against Darwin and evolution also challenges Genesis. The persecution of Galileo and even the murder of Archimedes, one of the greatest mathematicians of all time.

The Dead Sea Scrolls - Fake
The Shroud of Turin - Fake
Nazareth did not exist in Jesus times and Jesus spoke Aramaic not the recently engineered language of Hebrew.

The United States has a severe problem with cults and the way cults influence society, anything said about Judaism is "Anti-Semitic" and they are paralyzed against its unlawful cancel culture. Stem cell research is a don't go their subject, and many in science practice sociology and beckon to these cults. Nations that have fought against these cults are fighting for their very soul, and nations that have caught the god delusion and virus of faith early and held it at bay at any and all cost have fought the good fight and have their soul. No apologies required.

The system of science is to disagree with the establish fact with fact, not cheer it on.

This has not been a passive effort of religions, is it an active effort where lies, deceit, torture and murder are all "moral" such as defacing historically significant scientific literature with ramblings about religious rubbish, erasing history and replacing it with fantasies. This was intentional effect to say, religion is higher than science for religious text defaces scientific text. They claim, we were just recycling paper. The Archimedes Palimpsest, for example.

And the object of the presentation.

The Hipparcus Palimpsest

These cults run your hospitals, they run your schools. They own your media and they suppress descending voices. They even have a hold on your government and influence it funding and laws. Furthermore, they censor books, and they teach their cult to children in the schools as if it were real, and they quietly omit arbitrarily. All redactions and censorship, persecution of truth, comes out of cults and the ongoing enforcement of their fictions.

You become more scientific, you outgrow religion.

Scams in the marketplace. The way for a new age.

The government seeing how effective and foolish people are in believing such nonsense also dabble in cult, the Nazi's and pop culture through your television. They like you dumbed down and emotional, believing their every caper and whim.

IN contrast, look at what science has brought forward, Housing, Food security, running water, sewage systems, transportation, air transport and much, much more, yet the real hero to these brainwashed homo-idiots is religion?, That has brought... a scam.

Choose science.

Tony over and out

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