Human Ascension: Pro Life vs Pro Choice, Understanding Chaos vs Love vs God

1 year ago

This messages begins with the trees, which guided me into an experience of two pages, two kinds of love. There is one page, which represents the expression of Chaos Love and then the other page represents the expression of Divine Light Love. The influence of Chaos Love is Manipulation, because only you can succumb to giving yourself away to something or someone that has an addiction to torturing you, through you now torturing yourself OR perhaps you simply enjoying torturing others, laughing at their weakness, which then, you are only torturing yourself. Chaos Love is a viscous loop that only has power through manipulation. How do we know where Divine Light Love is coming from? If it's Tough Love, like to Master the skills of Patience and Forgiveness, you know you are on the right track of Divine Light Love, which doesn't have any NEED, it can feel like an effort, but it doesn't have to. It will give you the gift of being solid in and of yourself, speaking from your heart, it builds integrity and people see the value in you. It's self-respect without trying to prove anything to anyone. Divine Light Love has Presence and is strong in and of itself, as it is, Period. We are talking about Pro Life now and Pro Choice. What influences Pro Choice but a need to escape, an easy way out. I was Pro Choice at aborting myself over 25 years of Suicidal Depression. Where did that Suicidal Depression come from? Society. Society then works with Chaos Love and through Manipulation now creates the gift of an easy way out that only when you ask the questions - Do I actually want to die? Do I actually want to have an abortion? - Do you start to realize the answer is NO, I want a better world to live in. If that then is the answer, we know what to do. We have to stand up against society and demand a Divine Light Love Society emerge, and that can take time, dedication, hard work and each other. We have to say No to the viscous loop of Chaos Love, and we need to do that hard work, that is the good work! I choose a better society that supports the birth of children, helping women, helping babies, helping families. Energy needs to be put into creating a psychologically healthier human race, with the gift of genuine Divine Light Love over manipulative Chaos Love. Nobody wants to die, and nobody wants children to die either, and nobody wants to see the light leave the eyes of our human race, and for what? To bow down to a Chaos Love that never loved you? Thank you for listening in, I appreciate you, and I'm glad you are a part of this world with me. It's a hard choice to have children, it's a hard life to raise children, but it is a rewarding experience and we need to help each other so we can turn 'hard' into 'joy' and now Divine Light Love was no effort at all. We need to make society better. The hard way, for now, is the right way, and it's not as hard as it may appear when we all work together with Divine Light Love!



💛 TIKTOK: @WisdomBombs911




#AbbeyNormal #ProLife #ProChoice

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