"Total Reliance on God" Sunday Service @ The Remnant with Pastor Todd

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"Total Reliance on God" Sunday Service @ The Remnant with Pastor Todd

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Here is the post that I believe the Lord inspired for today's service...

Transparency and total reliance.
I wanted to share with you all that I think I finally hit a point yesterday where my body was literally shutting down in the natural. Even though that sounds really bad, it’s not, it needed to happen. Please don’t worry about me. I’m ok. I’m great actually! 😊 I’ll explain…
These past two years have literally been nonstop. Someday, I will write a book on this all. The days are long as there are so many things going on and so many pressing needs. I don’t say this wanting any pat on the back or attention at all. So many of you have been praying and standing as well. I say this to make the point of what I believe God has put on my heart today to share. It’s a big one!
I believe this fast has allowed me to truly appreciate what it means to get to the end of oneself and die to my flesh.
This weekend I absolutely had to rely on God's strength. I can’t even explain how serious I am when I say that. That’s exactly where He wanted me to be though.
Here is the scripture God gave me to express this:
Philippians 2:13
13 For it is [not your strength, but it is] [a]God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.
So what is God showing me here?
I believe God wanted me to get to a place where I realized it simply has to be full reliance on Him, and this weekend I finally did. I reached the end of my own physical strength. I had to get to this place to go where we are about to go. I believe it’s something God wants to speak to us all.
All of my hope and strength is found in Jesus. He is my power source. Without Him, I cannot do this, but with Him, I can do all things! We can do ALL things! Think about that…ALL THINGS!
Have I ever really thought about what that truly means until now?
In the lead-up to 2020, we went to over 40 churches around the country. We traveled all over the US during that time and spoke at many events etc. as well. We thought at that time things would be slowing down after the election—but we were certainly wrong on that one! What we have seen instead is truly remarkable. There has been a beginning of a massive revival awakening all around the nation.
With this water fast, my body physically almost shut down yesterday. I felt as if I was going to collapse in Pennsylvania. I went back to my room last night and felt very sick and dizzy. Physically exhausted. I got home today and went right to sleep. Finally!
Why am I sharing this all?
Because I believe it’s a new season. A season of total reliance on Christ Jesus. A season where I believe there is no turning back! We cannot do this without total reliance on God. Total. Only HE can do this!
When we see the Red Sea of this generation part, it will be because He parted it. All glory will be and must be Gods! He is looking for a people who will trust Him. He is our deliverer!
This cannot be something we win on our own strength. It has to be something that we win by the power of God's Holy Spirit. He has to do it and we have to rely on Him alone. Our hearts must reach a place where we come to the end of flesh. This is a Spirit-formed movement.
“Spirit formed and total reliance”.
He is the one that moves and it’s when He wants to move. This is not about us. This is about Him. We as a people of God must seek His face and be anointed by Him!
The word I am getting is “total reliance”. Not partial, not half…no…TOTAL RELIANCE! Nothing less.
Going forward, God wants His church to get to a place where we completely come to the end of our road and realize we must have total reliance and surrender to Him. JESUS the KING!
When He moves and we see this country shift, it will be because we got to the end of the road thinking it’s something we can do. We can certainly be a part of it, we can certainly show up…and we must! But this is going to be God that does it. It HAS to be HIM!
I am blessed to have had this revelation. I feel His presence and His glory. It’s time for total reliance and total surrender. As we do this, He will move on our behalf. Our faith and trust are in Him alone!

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