HEART PRAYER - Building a Qi Field for our World

1 year ago

This Heart Prayer for Humanity was conceived and created by qigong teacher and master - Yuan Tze - out of a desire to help humanity rise out of disfunction, illness (of the body but also of the mind and the heart), and to bring ease to suffering. Out of this place of eased suffering, this healing of the heart, the need for wealth, power, admiration, would eventually cease, and the terrible destruction wrought on our planet (whole scale clearcuts, logging, mining, development, to name but a few) by those whose psyche’s and hearts are damaged, would eventually also cease. This is my understanding and is a very simplified version of what I think Yuan Tze would teach, were I to be sitting in front of him at a retreat. I hope I have it mostly right :)

This HEART PRAYER is spoken by Yuan Tze in his native Mandarin, and translated by his partner Melissa. I have set it to Lama Khenpo Pema Choephel Rinpoche’s Heart Sutra. It works on the premise that everything, including the heart, the planet, and the universe, has a qi-field (in Quantum Physics I believe this is simply called “The Field”), and that this qi-field is influenced by everything it comes into contact with, including our thoughts and our emotions. As we, through Yuan Tze’s guided Heart Prayer Meditation, infuse our thoughts, beliefs, and prayer with unconditional love, unconditional openness, unconditional trust, unconditional gratitude, and unconditional Gonging (a deep reverence and respect for all life and all that exists), so too is the qi-field of our planet affirmatively changed. And this qi-field then has an influence on the physical reality of our planet. This is my understanding, and I hope it is not too far off the mark from what Yuan Tze would directly teach, were he in front of me now.

Yuan Tze studied qigong and various other disciplines under quite advanced practitioners and teachers in China, and worked as a qi healer in one of China’s qi healing hospitals. He has actually healed a great many people, and is now endeavouring to teach us how to heal ourselves. He offers many ways of learning these methods, which he has more or less distilled into what he considers to be the most effective, over the least period of time. Here are a few of the resources being put out by Ren Xue Qigong and Yuan Tze:

WEBSITE: https://www.renxueinternational.org
BOOKS: https://learnrenxue.org/books/
VIDEO TUTORIALS: https://learnrenxue.org/cd-dvd/
ONLINE RETREATS and CLASSES: https://learnrenxue.org/learn-from-yuan-tze/

Heart Sutra by Lama Khenpo Pema Choephel Rinpoche: https://dharmamasters.blogspot.com/2016/01/heart-sutra-by-lama-khenpo-pema.html

PHOTOGRAPHS & Compilation: Juscha Grunther

The spoken words in this Guided Heart Prayer/Meditation:

Gently close your eyes. Put your hands on your heart and feel your heart.
Connect with the five essential qualities of the heart – trust, love, openness, gratitude and true respect.
With utmost sincerity, unify with the universe,
Unify with all forms of life,
Unify with the human family.
Share the following best wishes with the world.
May everyone go into their heart to find refuge and feel safe.
May everyone go into their heart to feel trust, openness, love, gratitude and true espect.
May everyone go into their heart to see beautiful bright light.
May everyone go into their heart to meet their True Self.
From deep in your heart …..
Wish everyone health, happiness and growth
From deep in your heart …..
Wish the world peace and harmony.
Open your arms to the universe - unify with the unconditional love and wisdom of the universe.
Draw it back to your heart. Place your hands on your heart.
Feel the peace and harmony inside.

Gently open your eyes.

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