I'm here to eliminate all Errors ❤️ Motive for the new Divine Revelation...3rd Testament Chapter 5-2

1 year ago

Text of Video Content in EN - DE - FR - ES ... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/09/25/das-dritte-testament-kapitel-5-the-third-testament-chapter-5-le-troisieme-testament-chapitre-5-el-tercer-testamento-capitulo-5/
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Motive for the new Divine Revelation
Elimination of Errors & Superficial Cults

Thus saith the Lord:

13. The Third Era has fully arrived to humanity. Almost two thousand years have passed since I came to give to you My Word; and that Doctrine, in spite of the time passed, is still not known to all humanity because I am not loved by all My children; still, all worship Me, and all seek one single Divine Spirit, which is Mine. Yet, I do not see unity among men, I do not see among them the same faith, the same elevation, or the same knowledge; and it is for this reason that I come as the Holy Spirit, to unify you in Me, to perfect you with My Doctrine of truth, with My immutable Word, and with My Law of justice and of love. (316, 4)

14. The bewilderment of the mind, the lack of faith, the ignorance of truth, are darknesses of the spirit and it is therefore that humanity today finds itself lost. How those men who walk without knowing or caring where they go have multiplied!

15. I knew that to men would have to come a time such as this: full of pain, confusion, uncertainty and mistrust. I promised to come to save you from this darkness, and here you have Me: I am the Spirit of Truth. For what purpose do you want Me again as a man? Do you not remember that as a man I died and said to you that I would wait for you in My Kingdom? With this I made you to understand that the spirit is eternal, and immortal. (99, 7 – 8)

16. My Word in this time comes to remind you of the past, to reveal the Mysteries and to proclaim that which is to come. It shall straighten what men have twisted and spoiled, for I, jealous of the truth, come with the sword of My zeal and My justice to throw down all that is false, to destroy hypocrisy and the lie, to expel again the moneychangers from the temple of truth.

17. Understand that you do not have to seek in the books, the counsels, or the commandments of men, the truth to reach your salvation.

18. All of you are to be saved. I do not find one yet on firm ground. You are shipwrecked in the middle of a storMy night, in which each one fights for himself without remembering his brother, because his own life is in danger.

19. And truly I tell you: I am your only Savior, He who arrives one more time in search of those who have been lost because they parted from the heading that is the Law. I come to illuminate your course so that you may make land, that blessed land that awaits you, because in its breast infinite treasures for the spirit are guarded. (252, 37 – 40)

20. If in that time false interpretations of the Divine Mandates were made, in this time too My Doctrine has been falsified, and it was necessary that the Master come again to help you to leave your errors, since on your own, very few are they who manage to free themselves of confusions.

21. Certainly, from that time I have promised that I would return; but also I said to you that I did so because I knew that a day would arrive when humanity, believing itself to live within the path of My teachings, would walk far from them, and this is the time that I proclaimed for My coming. (264, 35 – 36)

22. In the Second Era, Christ, the same who is speaking to you in this instant, was made man and lived on the earth, but now you have him in the Spirit, fulfilling a promise made by him to humanity, that of coming in a new time to bring you the supreme comfort and the light of truth, clarifying and explaining all that had been revealed to mankind. (91, 33)

23. Humanity is disoriented, but I have come to lead them to the light of the Holy Spirit, and so that they recognize My Word for its essence.


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