I do not create a new Religion ❤️ Motive for the new Divine Revelation... 3rd Testament Chapter 5-3

1 year ago

Text of Video Content in EN - DE - FR - ES ... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/09/25/das-dritte-testament-kapitel-5-the-third-testament-chapter-5-le-troisieme-testament-chapitre-5-el-tercer-testamento-capitulo-5/
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Motive for new Divine Revelation
I don't create a new Religion

Clarification about the True Life

Thus saith the Lord:

33. All men know that I am the Father of all creation, and that the destiny of all beings is in Me; Yet, I have not received from them their attention, nor their respect. They also believe, that they too are lords, and believe they have power over the destinies of their fellow men; why bow before Me?

34. In this way has man tried My patience and defied My justice; I have given him time to find the truth, but He has wanted nothing from Me. I came as Father, and was not loved; then came as Master, and was not understood; but, as it is necessary to save humanity, I come now as judge. I know that man will rebel against My justice, for neither will He understand Me as judge, and He will say that God has avenged himself.

35. I would wish that all comprehend that God cannot have feelings of revenge, because His love is perfect; nor can He send pain, it is you who attract it through your sin. My Divine justice is above your pain and even above your death. Pain, obstacles, failures, these are the tests that man goes on creating; and as you shall sow, so shall you reap. For Me it is enough in each of these moments of peril to make My light come unto your spirit, so that it reaches its salvation. (90, 5 - 7)

36. It is the Spirit of Truth that descends to unravel Mysteries and reveal to you the knowledge necessary to enjoy true life; it is the Divine comfort that is poured out upon your pains to give you testimony that the Divine Judgment is not punishment, nor vengeance, but rather a judgment of love to carry you to the light, to peace, and to happiness. (107, 24)

37. Know that for He who comes to understand and know something of what is reserved for those who are elevated, that light revealed can no longer be parted from his spirit. Penetrate then the unknown dwelling places, or return again and again to the earth, that which one day you received as a flash of divinity, will arise at each step from the most pure of your own being as a presentiment, as a sweet awakening, or as a celestial song that will flood your heart with pleasure, as a longing to return to the spiritual mansion. That is what My doctrine means to those spirits that return to this life. The spirit appears to forget its past, but in reality does not lose the knowledge of My teaching.

38. To those who doubt that it is the Divine Word that speaks to you at this moment and in this form, I tell you that if you do not wish to give Me that name, do not wish to attribute this word to the Divine Master, then take the essence of this lesson, analyze all of its thoughts, and if on contemplating what you have heard you arrive at the conclusion that it contains light and truth for humanity, then take it as a norm for your actions on earth, and with it transform your life.

39. I know that I am giving you true wisdom. What men believe does not change one atom of My truth, but it is necessary for man to have certainty about what He believes, what He knows, and what He loves; therefore, in My manifestations I sometimes place Myself at the level of humanity, so that they may know Me. (143, 54 - 56)

40. The concept that men have of Me is very limited, their knowledge of the spiritual, very slight, their faith, very small.

41. The religions sleep the sleep of centuries, without taking any step forward, and when they awaken it is only to shake themselves internally, without daring to break out of the fence that they have created with their traditions.


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