The Power of The Blood | Mars Mysteries | Gigi Young

1 year ago

The New Age Cult Of Degeneration (Alien Hybridization Cults)

The most common narrative in abduction cases is the apparent fixation by grey aliens on human genetics. This includes aggressive efforts to steal sperm, ova, and blood in order to create what many call a "hybrid race". In New Age circles this is also called the "hybridization program."
This hybridization process is becoming a strange and dangerous religion in the New Age where channelers seek to convince their followers to open themselves to Grey Aliens and consent to sexual and genetic abuse that they often naturally fear and cannot consciously understand. These abuses are often so horrific and traumatizing that if a person did them they would be sent to jail for life and viewed as a psychopath to the highest degree. Yet various channelers in the New Age hold no such standards for the entities they contact creating a disturbing and glaring hypocrisy.

Many individuals participate in this believing that Grey aliens are gods, or part of an all knowing centralized cosmic federation that is responsible for all human and planetary evolution.
While many may laugh at this, I suggest that as we approach the age of disclosure it is likely that many uninformed people when confronted with the existence of UFO's will believe this. Most people reject the existence of inter-dimensional beings not because they actually understand the dynamics of contact, but because they fear it, or simply cannot personally relate to it. Thus, humanity at this time has a great vulnerability in this area.

These disturbing accounts of abduction become even more shocking when we consider the crossroads we are at in our current stage of evolution, the task of understanding what Rudolf Steiner calls the etherisation of the blood.

At each stage of human evolution humanity is challenged to transform themselves into a form in which the energies of next era can be properly taken on. For us at this time, it includes the linking of the head and the heart which transforms the quality of our blood, our consciousness and eventually human form. Esoterically this process is known as the etherisation of the blood.

Unfortunately, divergent and regressive forces who have rejected and missed this evolutionary step in their time seek to force their way into the next phase of human evolution through attempting to hybridize themselves with us. It is an attempt to overcome their past mistakes without facing their karma and taking on the responsibility of atonement. Of course, no being in the cosmos can evolve unless those processes are sincerely taken on. Thus all efforts from these dark beings lead humanity not into an advanced form, but rather down the same path of eventual self destruction.

Perhaps the most simple way of looking at what we see as "the greys" is as a future aspect of ourselves, or a future timeline of ourselves, that has failed the initiation we are facing today. Now facing complete destruction of their form (unable to Etheralise their blood), they seek to attempt to save themselves at our expense by merging back into humanity and the life wave of our planet. Advanced technologies that humanity does not yet realize exists allows this.

The key to understanding this phenomenon is grasping the occult process of the degradation of the human form through specific periods of genetic modification. The modification of the human form through "Hybridization" degrades, or lowers, the form so that dark beings can enter into it. When the human form is allowed to evolve naturally through inner transmutation the form cannot be entered so easily by dark forces.

Rudolf Steiner:

My Lectures:
The Holy Human Form
Ensoulment Process: Summoning Souls

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