Triggers as frequency trauma hijacks and navigating being triggered

1 year ago

A trigger is a frequency hack into your codes, a frequency trauma hijack from the matrix. Each trigger has and is a frequency, it can be anything. The matrix control systems are pushing us every day with multiple triggers reaching us through different avenues. A lot of triggers target our self esteem and are meant to push into programming, such as the wound of non recognition, one of the favourite ways of the architects to trigger us.

I go over some of the main and big or more subtle triggers such as systematic triggers, body triggers, savior trigger (high), survival fear trigger, shame or guilt triggering (low), monarch programming triggering, beta sex kitten triggering, self destruction triggering, triggers led by AI or backdrops or by spirited beings, jealousy triggering, triggering coming from fear states and dream time triggering.

Engineered relationships are causing a lot of triggering. Some romantical relationships are there for you to be the worst version of yourself and for your dark alters to be stepping in. It is slowly annihilating you. Boundary setting is essential here not to be eaten alive.

I go over some of the dangers of falling for these triggers and how to avoid some of the ones that can be avoided, especially online. I finish with a word of encouragement about choosing the ones with whom we can be our true selves, the ones that are encouraging our core selves and not our alters.

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Module Two ~ handler and handling signatures

• The triggering aspect of handlers
• The secret intelligence frequency
• The case study of a gangstalker spy, 3 non spirited handlers and a controlled and overtaken fire creation handler
• The case study of a handler working with shamanic plant medicine, a touch on beta sex kitten handling signatures and handling with friends and other fire creations
• Different handler signatures including narcissistic handling frequency signatures and maconic signatures
• Handling happening before the launch of something important (2 analysis of attempts of infiltration)
• Living in a holographic simulation
• Backdrop handlers
• Spirited handlers
• Online handlers
• Handled handlers
• Why the handling?
• The ways of handlers
• Gangstalking and harassing
• Reflections about my past as a student in screen writing in a University with maconic ties
• Breaking free and overcoming handling
• Memory and cover memories
• The review of 245 images
• Handling and handlers panel (115 items) for the Energy ReMastered App
• Auras from handlers scanned by the Energy ReMastered app
• 3 hours of video content and a bonus of 23-minute to present the panel on handling

Module Four ~ beta sex kitten programming and beta sex kitten signatures and “corrupted” reals

• Beta sex kitten programming as a great derailment program
• How to recognize beta sex kitten programming with the Energy ReMastered App
• Engineered romances
• NPCs crossing boundaries
• The dating concept
• Alters programmed extensively with beta sex kitten programming and responding to it
• Dormant sex kitten programming and active sex kitten programming
• Beta sex kitten triggers
• A folder of 158 photos studying different templates of beta sex kitten programming
• A study case of a past handler of mine, a corrupted fire creation being with very active sex kitten and love-bite programming plus the network she connected me with (different handlers and many distraction energies) ; 103 images associated with that handler
• 71 screenshots of sex kitten programming that I gathered on my personal socia media
• Celebrities with a ton of sex kitten programming
• in-depth case study of a male fire creation celebrity with very strong sex kitten programming and insights from the Energy ReMastered app
• 85 pictures studying 3 other fire creation celebrities (in the origin before what the industry did to them) used to trigger sex kitten programming for the reals through the entertainment industry and some of the engineering in their lives
• 4 in-depth case studies about corrupted reals that I met on the path and who were used negatively in my life ; 30 related images, a 12-minute video extract and an unpublished article about the work of one of these corrupted reals
• 3 hours of video content to review the modules and the files
• 20 minutes of additional video extracts analyzing beta sex kitten programming
• the review of a total of 450 images, photos and screenshots
• A private Playlist on Youtube with 45 video clips with active sex kitten programming
• 2 sex kitten songs

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