1 year ago

At what point do people start to acknowledge we've been lied to? With so many clear failures at the top of the control pyramid, how could people still chalk this up to coincidence?

The real question at this point is not if we've been lied to, but how many of us are willing to allow it to continue before dedicating our efforts to changing it?

Liberty and freedom is always only a generation away from being lost, I can't help but wonder if we are that generation.

As people blindly comply to increasingly absurd abuse of power, their target seems more obvious by the day: complete dependence.

As people relinquish more of their freedoms for the illusion of safety, fairness, convenience and what they've been sold as "doing the right thing" - the closer we are to no freedom at all. To complete control. Complete dependence.

If only people could see just a few steps ahead, imagine how quickly they would act. We've always felt we deserve freedom, but if we fail to defend it, future generations will not even know what they've lost.

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