Pip Commission Speedpaint by Axtreaa (YouTube copy)

1 year ago

A speedpaint of a Commission I made with a artist named "axtreaa" on Twitter. The character drawn is my Pip character from my "Taskforce Legends" idea I have.

In the speedpaint some redrawing had to be done so it doesn't look like my tough tomboy Pip character is doing a fascist style salute. I also requested the use of music with the artist so that UMG (Universal Music Group) wouldn't claim this video for Content ID/DMCA stuff.

A copy of this video was uploaded onto Tik Tok, I don't use Tik Tok so I'm uploading a copy of this video on YouTube/Facebook/Rumble/not Tik Tok, I'm not comfortable with using Tik Tok, there were allegations during Trumps tenure the data could be given to the Chinese government, which is a notoriously repressive regime. Tik Tok also requires a account to watch ANY content if accessed through a smartphone while anyone can use a smartphone to watch YouTube videos except those with age-restriction Issues, while big content creator names can get exemptions for some pretty gory and or sexual stuff, it will take LAWSUITS from everyday users proving bad faith age-gate abuse from websites acting as a biased publisher to have judges use court rulings to force Big Tech to clean up their act, considering Prager U filed a lawsuit over a optional filter and failed, 18+ age gates (with disabled embeds) is a higher burden of proof in case one wanted to file a lawsuit.

The completed Commission

the Artist Social Media Pages.

The Pip OC's Backstory.

If you like my content, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

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