Please sign our petition: Do not give away our sovereignty to the WHO

1 year ago

This video was posted 15 May 2022:

We wish to warn the delegates representing Singapore at the 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva May 22-28th 2022, not to sign the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

They are walking into a trap!!! The amendments appear to be treasonous in nature. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN IT. PLEASE REASON IN PROTEST if needed.

Do not give up our sovereignty as a nation to the World Health Organisation.

Read and sign our petition today at

Find out how corrupt WHO and the Director General of WHO is (Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus) and read the exact documents of the Amendments on our website.

SOUND THE ALARM. If this is signed, by November this year, we would effectively have a One World Government.

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