#9. Application of Input Output Balances for the Development of Society | Mikhail Velichko

2 years ago

9th video in course "Educational Project: NOOSPHERE" by Mikhail Velichko; 6th of 8 lectures for students of Baltic State University

0:26 — Summary of last lecture
2:40 — How can one use this whole thing for the modelling of the development of the economy, for governance towards the development of the economy on the basis of planning?
4:54 — Therefore, the question arises: what do we want from planning?
6:33 — Here is a demographic pyramid: on the right we have boys, on the left — girls
8:43 — How to use demographic pyramid in planning
9:49 — If we have a demographic policy, then what? Then we have some mathematical models of birth rates for the future
13:36 — Technologies are not predictable. The scientific-technological progress is not predictable. Accordingly, a question arises...
14:30 — Production should not fall below a certain minimum
17:11— How much energy is needed to bake a ton of bread?
18:16 — Where does the scientific-technological progress go, in this case? In this case, the scientific-technological progress goes into the margin of stability of plans.
27:25 — Questions of worldview: if we proceed from the assumption that the money in the wallet is private property...
28:46 — Protection of the solvent demand by means of subsidies
32:52 — One more question related to planning: Renewal of needs
43:24 — Society should be convinced of the praviousness of its organization
44:28 — Questions and Answers

What is SOVEST?
See the video "What Makes Russians Different?" https://youtu.be/3ORQ062aWuU

#velichko #voenmeh #noosphere

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