Alderperson Israel Del Toro's (District 4) Invocation At 09/07/2022 Common Council Meeting

1 year ago

Mayor Woodford: Tonight's invocation will be delivered by Alder Del Toro.

Alderperson Del Toro (District 4): Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Embracing diversity. What makes Appleton a special place to live? Reflect on this thought for just a few moments. Is it our parks? Our safe streets? Our low cost of living? All of these things matter. But for me it's the people—my neighbors, my community. And what makes a community strong, resilient, and special is its diversity. Diversity in race, ethnicity, ages, physical abilities, religious identities, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Appleton is special because we are starting to understand that in this—that this diversity makes our community vibrant, strong, and resilient.

Allow me to make a brief agroecological comparison. We know that monocultural agricultural ecosystems are vulnerable to pests, disease, and unable to handle change. They are ecologically simple and vulnerable places and ultimately require a lot of energy input to have efficient production. In contrast, a multi-species cultivar is less energy intensive, more resistant to pests and diseases, and resilient to change, and maximizes production more efficiently.

Similarly, we can model our community to be diverse in cultures, values, and identities, and make what is already good better.

A change is coming. National census estimates project the US Latino population will grow by 60% by 2050, making it the second largest ethnic demographic in the country. As such it is incumbent upon us to prepare our city to welcome this change. Let's embrace the Latinx men and women that contribute to our community. We are teachers. We are laborers. We are low- and middle- income families who seek a better community and opportunity for our future generations. We do the jobs that many others turn down, and often we do them for lower wages.

It is time to recognize that a change is coming and we as a community can grow to be welcoming of this change, to embrace the possibilities, and provide equity to our Latinx community.

Next week marks the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month. I ask you to reflect on our local Latino community during this time. Experience the diverse vibrant Latino celebrations, foods, traditions, and cultures.

To my Latino brothers and sisters, we are part of this community. Our voice matters in this community, and our vote matters in this community. Stay engaged. Come out from behind the scenes. Show the city of Appleton that with our diversity comes strength, resiliency, and we will truly make the city of Appleton One Great Place.

[He then repeated in Spanish: "To my Latino brothers and sisters, we are part of this community. Our voice matters in this community, and our vote matters in this community. Stay engaged. Come out from behind the scenes. Show the city of Appleton that with our diversity comes strength, resiliency, and we will truly make the city of Appleton One Great Place.”]

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