David "Miss" Pakman Debunked Vol. I

1 year ago

David “Miss” Pakman, along with countless other social media vegetables made a lot of hay out of especially Hillary Clinton’s popular vote victory, as well as Joe Biden’s popular vote win, which I do not question. I do however, question his victory in the electoral college. Been there, already examined that – see the links in the video description.

Hillary Clinton’s margin of victory https://uselectionatlas.org/ in the Popular Vote was 2,868,524. Her margin of victory in 3 large, Dumocrat-dominated states w/ a lot of people who do not work (California, Illinois, New York) was 6,951,277, which was way beyond her popular vote victory.

Joe Biden’s popular vote margin of victory was 7,060,520 & his margin of victory NY, CA & IL was 8,122,034. Even David Pakman is smart enough to see that those 3 states provided his margin of victory & outside those 3 states the candidate were basically even.

Remember, those 3 states (IL, CA, NY) have a high % of residents that did not finish 9th grade. https://rumble.com/v1dmq69-brian-tyler-cohen-is-not-very-bright-part-v.html

Those 3 states also have a high number of folks getting unemployment per 100,000 nonfarm jobs. I already ran the data for California in a response to a vanilla midget named Byron Taylor Cohen (see previous link), so let us add Illinois & New York. http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/iowa-never-locked-down

United States Data: There were ***1,757 continued claims (from week ending 3/27/2021 to 3/19/2022) per 100,000 nonfarm jobs.***

***United States 2-year average (Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs/employment) = 1,156*** This is week ending 3/10/2018 to 3/9/2019 & week ending 3/16/2019 to 3/14/20.

United States: There were (week ending 3/21/20 to 3/20/21) ***7,718 Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm Employment jobs.***

United States ***Continued Claims per 100,000 nonfarm jobs (week ending 3/5/2016 to week ending 3/3/2018, seasonally adjusted) = 1,386.7***

California 2-year average (***Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs/employment) = 1,872*** Remember, that was week ending week ending 3/10/2018 to 3/9/2019 & week ending 3/16/2019 to 3/14/20

California ***Continued Unemployment Claims (week ending 3/5/2016 to week ending 3/3/2018) per 100,000 nonfarm jobs = 2,123.2***

There were ***11,924 Continued Claims (week ending 3/21/20 to 3/20/21) per 100,000 Nonfarm Employment jobs*** in California.

California ***Continued Unemployment Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm Employment (in thousands) = 3,037*** continued claims (from week ending 3/27/2021 to 3/19/2022).

Illinois: 2-year average (***Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs/employment) = 1,636*** (week ending 3/10/2018 to 3/9/2019 & week ending 3/16/2019 to 3/14/20)

Illinois saw (week ending 3/21/20 to 3/20/21) ***8,309 Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm Employment jobs.***

Illinois ***Continued Unemployment Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs = 2,826*** (from week ending 3/27/2021 to 3/19/2022)

Now let us add more data from IL that was not previously posted. IL average nonfarm employment (March 2016-February 2018) = 6,041.3 (thousands of jobs). IL Continued unemployment claims (week ending 3/5/2016 to week ending 3/3/2018) averaged 116,376.88. ***That equals 1,926.35 continued unemployment claims per 100,000 nonfarm jobs.***

Now for New York: 2-year average (***Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs/employment) = 1,390*** (week ending 3/10/2018 to 3/9/2019 & week ending 3/16/2019 to 3/14/20)

New York (week ending 3/21/20 to 3/20/21) saw ***11,812 Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm Employment jobs***

New York had ***2,598 continued claims (from week ending 3/27/2021 to 3/19/2022) per 100,000 nonfarm jobs***

Now adding some new data: NY avg. nonfarm employment (March 2016-February 2018) 9,517.62 (thousands of jobs). NY Continued Unemployment Claims (week ending 3/5/2016 to week ending 3/3/2018) avg. 155,378.65. ***That equals 1,632.53 continued unemployment claims per 100,000 nonfarm jobs***

Did you notice that on ALL those economic metrics those Democrat enclaves that gave Joe Biden & Hillary Clinton their popular vote victories were much higher than the U.S. average?

New York Labor Force Participation Rate March 2018-February 2019 =60.6%. March 2019-February 2020 = 60.741%. March 2020-Feburary 2021 = 59.441% New York Labor Force Participation Rate April 2021-March 2022 = 59.191%

Illinois Labor Force Participation Rate March 2018-February 2019 = 64.65%. March 2019-February 2020 = 64.3%. March 2020-Feburary 2021 = 62.441% Illinois Labor Force Participation Rate April 2021-March 2022 = 63.275%

California Labor Force Participation Rate March 2018-February 2019 = 62.266%. March 2019-February 2020 = 62.366%. March 2020-Feburary 2021 = 60.208% California Labor Force Participation Rate April 2021-March 2022 = 61.3%

Compare: Labor Force Participation Rate for the NON-LOCKDOWNS (IA, ND, SD, UT, WY, NE, AR – all GOP trifectas) April 2021-March 2022 = 65.953% March 2018-February 2020 Labor Force Participation Rate = 67.263% March 2020-February 2021 = 66.243%

Much higher labor force participation rates & California is the “youngest” state as it has the highest % of its population that is under-65.

In closing, Hillary & Biden’s popular vote victories ring hollow because Freeloader-ville is voting themselves a handout. Hillary, Biden & their cronies promised them a lot of free stuff from the public treasury if they vote for them. That is NY, CA & IL in a nutshell. Democrats do not like to work.

This is part of the reason Joe Biden has committed treason by opening up our borders, they want more voters who do not work. They won’t work, but they will vote. That is their plan. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back.

PS http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/end-the-electoral-college My debunking of David “Miss” Pakman & Regressive arguments against the Electoral College. I will add this example quickly: The EC is a hedge against Sharia Law. How, you ask?

Glad you did! Let’s say California continues to allow immigration sans merit & instead of taking in freeloaders (who have no merit, which is what we want) from Latin America who drop out of school & do not work they bring in crazy, predator Muslims (is there any other kind?).

California under the EC can only stuff the ballot for CA & the Electoral College blunts the amount of influence they have. Under a National Popular Vote scheme, you only need stuff the ballot in NY, CA & IL (3 states as I just covered that have a lot of freeloaders) to influence the entire election.

The Electoral College prohibits that, to stuff the ballot they have to get freeloaders galore into states like Iowa, Florida, Texas, Utah, North Carolina, etc.

David “Miss” Pakman does not like that, his unemployed voters in CA have their voice squashed by the Electoral College & it was designed that way. Thus, the example of Sharia Law being imported to California protects states like Iowa, which are not full of unemployed meth heads.

If a Dumbasscrat brings up the fact that WV & MS are poor, yet typically vote Republican I will point out that those 2 states have been poor for a very long time & they used to vote Democrat….. A LOT!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOZ9lNVjs1c https://professor_enigma.webs.com/democrat-election-fraud Take a gander at all the Democrat trifectas Ronald Reagan & George H.W. Bush won in the South.

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