Masai Ostriches (Herd, Flock, Pride, Wobble) In The Mara | Zebra Plains

5 years ago

A hen Ostrich with her almost full grown chicks wandering around the plains of the Maasai Mara.
The Masai ostrich (Struthio camelus massaicus), also known as the pink-necked ostrich or East African ostrich, is a large subspecies of the common ostrich native to East Africa.

Here are some random Ostrich facts:

Ostriches are the tallest and heaviest bird
Do not bury their heads in the sand
Belong to a group of flightless birds known as Ratites.
Other Ratites include Kiwis, Cassowaries and Rheas
Have long, strong legs for running
It can run about 40 miles an hour for a short distance
Males make a booming call similar to a lion's roar
Cannot fly
Has a very strong kick
Has two toes on each foot
When in danger, it will lie low to hide, stretching its neck along the ground
Eat grasses, shrubs, seeds, roots, leaves, flowers, locusts and grasshoppers - occasionally, they may eat lizards and mice
Eat small stones and sand to help grind up the food in their digestive system
Don't need to drink as they make their own water internally
Have the largest eyes of any land animal
All the females lay their eggs in the nest of the dominant female
The dominant female's eggs are laid in the centre of the nest which the protects them
The nest may have 15-60 eggs in it
Eggs hatch after about 40 days
An egg is as big as 24 chicken eggs
Its egg is bigger than its brain
It takes an hour to soft-boil an ostrich egg
It takes an hour and a half to hard boil an ostrich egg
Live between 30 - 40 years
Can kill a lion with a single blow
An ostrich could run the London Marathon in 45 minutes
Can be trained to herd sheep
Have a 46 foot long small intestine
Can live up to 75 years

Filmed In The Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Special thanks to Zebra Plains Mara Camp

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Filmed in 4K UHD resolution using the Sony AX100 4K video camera:
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