Why Woke Globalists Must stop Trump at All Costs, President’s statements on Mar-a-Lago Raid.

1 year ago

President’s statements on Mar-a-Lago raid chronologically starting with the oldest

A horrible thing that took place yesterday at Mar-a-Lago. We are no better than a third world country, a banana republic. It is a continuation of Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax # 2, the no collusion Mueller Report, and more. To make matters worse it is all, in my opinion, a coordinated attack with Radical Left Democrat state & local D.A.’s & A.G.’s.

Biden knew all about this, just like he knew all about Hunter’s “deals.”

What took place yesterday, and long before, was an unprecedented infringement of the rights of every American citizen. Scam after Scam, year after year, it is all the Radical Left Democrats really know, it is their lifeblood - they have no shame. Our Country is paying a very big price!!!

Joe Kent just won an incredible race against all odds in Washington State. Importantly, he knocked out yet another impeacher, Jaime Herrera Beutler, who so stupidly played right into the hands of the Democrats.

Joe is a wonderful guy, who bravely served our Country as a Green Beret. He has a truly bright future.

Congratulations, Joe!

The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, “planting.” Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them, everybody out? Obama and Clinton were never “raided,” despite big disputes!

At the very plush, beautiful, and expensive A.G.’s office. Nice working conditions, as people are being murdered all over New York - and she spends her time and effort on trying to “get Trump.”


What happened to the 30 million pages of documents taken from the White House to Chicago by Barack Hussein Obama? He refused to give them back! What is going on? This act was strongly at odds with NARA. Will they be breaking into Obama’s “mansion” in Martha’s Vineyard?

I continue to ask, what happened to the 33 Million pages of documents taken to Chicago by President Obama? The Fake News Media refuses to talk about that. They want it CANCELED!

My attorneys and representatives were cooperating fully, and very good relationships had been established. The government could have had whatever they wanted, if we had it. They asked us to put an additional lock on a certain area - DONE! Everything was fine, better than that of most previous Presidents, and then, out of nowhere and with no warning, Mar-a-Lago was raided, at 6:30 in the morning, by VERY large numbers of agents, and even “safecrackers.” They got way ahead of themselves. Crazy!

….Just learned that agents went through the First Lady’s closets and rummaged through her clothing and personal items. Surprisingly, left area in a relative mess. Wow!


Does anybody really believe that Joe Biden and the White House knew NOTHING about this great embarrassment to our Country - the biggest story since the Afghanistan catastrophe? I don’t think so!

Why does Fox put them on? The perverts of the Lincoln Project were “run out of town” after it was learned that they did some really “bad stuff.” Perversion anyone? Now they have re-emerged with a different but similar name. Keep these sicko’s off television!

Not only will I not oppose the release of documents related to the unAmerican, unwarranted, and unnecessary raid and break-in of my home in Palm Beach, Florida, Mar-a-Lago, I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents, even though they have been drawn up by radical left Democrats and possible future political opponents, who have a strong and powerful vested interest in attacking me, much as they have done for the last 6 years…

…My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been, fundraising by the Republican Party is breaking all records, and midterm elections are fast approaching. This unprecedented political weaponization of law enforcement is inappropriate and highly unethical. The world is watching as our Country is being brought to a new low, not only on our border, crime, economy, energy, national security, and so much more, but also with respect to our sacred elections!

Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax, two Impeachments were a Hoax, the Mueller investigation was a Hoax, and much more. Same sleazy people involved. Why wouldn’t the FBI allow the inspection of areas at Mar-a-Lago with our lawyer’s, or others, present. Made them wait outside in the heat, wouldn’t let them get even close - said “ABSOLUTELY NOT.” Planting information anyone? Reminds me of a Christofer Steele Dossier!

Democrats in Congress should strongly VOTE AGAINST THE BIGGEST GREEN NEW FAKE DEAL BILL IN HISTORY, which is about to be rammed down the throats of Americans. Those Dems voting against this massive tax hike will be legends - actually be able to win again. Should be called the Inflation Expansion Act. Adds 87,000 gun carrying IRS Agents to cajole and harass you and your family. Call your Democrat Congressmen & women - tell them NOT to vote for this killer. Republicans are 100% against!

167 and 6 on Endorsements this cycle. This includes many who didn’t have a chance of getting elected. Most of the “Impeachers” are gone or going. Crazy Liz Cheney, who rarely leaves Virginia, will be shown the door by the great people of Wyoming next Tuesday. The Unselect Committee is a T.V. ratings “BOMB.” Only the Adam “Shifty” Schitt family is watching!

President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified. How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!

Number one, it was all declassified. Number two, they didn’t need to “seize” anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request...

…They could have had it anytime they wanted—and that includes LONG ago. ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS ASK. The bigger problem is, what are they going to do with the 33 million pages of documents, many of which are classified, that President Obama took to Chicago?

Like all of the other Hoaxes and Scams that they’ve used to try and silence the voice of a vast majority of the American People, I have TRUTH on my side, and when you have TRUTH, you will ultimately be victorious!

Just received the strongest poll numbers I have ever gotten, and the largest amount of campaign contributions from the “people.” The public gets the “Scam,” but this time much earlier than all of the others!


The “White House” just announced that it had NO KNOWLEDGE of the early morning RAID on Mar-a-Lago, or the break in of Melania’s closets, my safe’s, or the secured and locked storage area where unclassified documents were safely held, and which the FBI knew of, was shown, and made recommendations that another lock be added (which they cracked, but not with the safecracker that they brought with them!). Does ANYBODY really believe that the White House didn’t know about this? WITCH HUNT!

The RAID was Politics, the Midterm Elections, and 2024. It’s another form of Election CHEATING - That’s all the Radical Left Democrats know what to do. They use the FBI & DOJ to try and dirty up their opponents, but the people of our Country are wise to them like never before. Be careful what you wish for!

The FBI has a long and unrelenting history of being corrupt. Just look back to the days of J. Edgar Hoover. In the modern era, nothing has changed except that it has gotten far worse. Look at Comey, McCabe, Strzok and lover Lisa Page. Check out the brilliantly written but damning I.G. Reports. See what they were willing to do in order to get Crooked Hillary Clinton elected (they failed), and got caught! They spied on my campaign, pushed the FAKE Dossier, and illegally used the FISA Court…..

….The Inspector General said the FBI acted with “gross incompetence and negligence.” I was fully vindicated in the Russia, Russia, Russia SCAM, the “No Collusion” Mueller Investigation, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and all else. NOW THEY RAID MY HOME, ban my lawyers and, without any witnesses allowed, break the lock that they asked us to install on the storage area that we showed them early on, which held papers that they could have had months ago for the asking, and without…..

….the ridiculous political grandstanding of a “break in” to a very storied, important, and high visibility place, just before the Midterm Elections. The whole World was watching as the FBI rummaged through the house, including the former First Lady’s closets (and clothing!), alone and unchecked. They even demanded that the security cameras be turned off (we refused), but there was no way of knowing if what they took was legitimate, or was there a “plant?” This was, after all, the FBI!

Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged “attorney-client” material, and also “executive” privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken. By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!

Just left a large gathering of people and all they could talk about was the complete and total stranglehold that the Radical Left Democrats have over the DOJ & FBI. It shouldn’t be that way. Nobody goes after BLM, ANTIFA, or the rest, despite murder, beatings, and burning down large sections of cities, a very unfair double standard. They definitely won’t attack the home of a former Democrat President, nor should they. It is all so out of control, great simmering anger!


Why Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-American Globalists Must stop Trump @ All Costs!

RECORDED ON JULY 26, 2015 6:37 PM
For once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. I’ve never seen them this outraged… this vicious… this motivated… this coordinated. NEVER in all my years in politics, have I seen anything like the way the mad dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.




WTF - Globalist WEF Agenda Stoops To New Low

The Woke New World Order (you know what the Woke NWO is - the woke world-elite-sponsored globalization steamroller) exploits language in precisely the way Orwell predicted. Words are used to mislead and conceal - not clarify - and are twisted to designate the opposite of their true meanings. For more go to



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Did Donald Trump Bait the FBI?

President trump was a victim of espionage, both foreign and domestic

D.C. insiders seek to defeat Donald Trump - even in aftermath of his victory’ – ex CIA agent Larry Johnson
March 5, 2017

Clarifying the System and Authorities to Classify Information–Trump Followed the Law

I suspect the bulk of the readers of this blog have never held a clearance, much less a Top Secret SI TK Gamma with SAPs. In fact, my use of acronyms such as “SI” or “TK” probably has you scratching your head. Understanding the system is key for you to realize that Donald Trump has broken no law and that this latest claim accusing him of illegally taking and storing classified it total bullshit. It is the tactic of desperate men and women eager to put an end to Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign for the Presidency.

Understanding Why the Deep State Is Terrified of trump’s Documents
Let me start by suggesting you read the excellent, comprehensive analysis by Sundance at The Conservative Tree House.
I can sum up the Trump documents very succinctly–the documents show that there was a coordinated effort by the CIA, the FBI and DOD starting in the summer of 2015 to interfere in the 2016 election. Part of this effort involved using NSA produced intelligence. Oliver Stone’s movie, Snowden, has a scene that accurately describes what NSA was collecting and how it could be used:

SNOWDEN (2016) by Oliver Stone Full Movie
The NSA's illegal surveillance techniques are leaked to the public by one of the agency's employees, Edward Snowden, in the form of thousands of classified documents distributed to the press.

What Was in The Trump Documents Creating Such Fear in DOJ and FBI

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