Intramuscular vaccines don't reduce transmission of respiratory infections | Dr. Theo Schetters

1 year ago

Prof. dr. Theo Schetters is an immunologist and vaccinologist. In this clip, he explains a few important points:

1. Already from day 1, it could be reasoned that mass inoculation with these barely tested genetic products has a very unattractive public health risk-benefit ratio. After all, the potential health risks of this radically different technology that has never been tested in humans at scale, are enormous. Said differently, the whole campaign was reckless beyond words. You don't need to be a doctor or a genius to understand this basic fact.

NB: The risk-benefit ratio from the perspective of the pharmaceutical companies, however, is extremely attractive. They will earn tens or hundreds of billions for sure, and if there are negative side-effects, they can't be sued. They may even benefit from side-effects, since this is likely to lead to increased demand for their blood thinners, heart medications and other highly profitable products.

At the time, we naturally had very little data to prove the toxicity of these jabs. But more data is coming out every day which confirms our very worst fears, and then some.

Prof. Schetters makes an excellent analogy to a murder that has been committed and the body dumped in a lake. The body may only be discovered after months or years. The same is happening right now with the adverse events of the jabs.

A huge problem with the jabs is that the damage may be irreversible: it's easy to get jabbed, but may be impossible to get unjabbed. In terms of vaxx injuries, not only are we seeing just the tip of the iceberg right now, but the worst may be yet to come.

2. Intramuscular vaccines don't reduce transmission of respiratory infections.

Humans basically have two completely separate immune systems. One is the immune system of the airways and gut (mucosal immunity); the other is the immune system of the tissues (systemic immunity).

If you inject a vaccine in a muscle (intramuscular), it may trigger systemic immunity, but not mucosal immunity. Since reduction of transmission (sterilizing immunity) strictly requires mucosal immunity, intramuscular vaccines cannot and will not achieve that desire for respiratory infections.

Musocal immunity uses IgA antibodies, while systemic immunity uses IgG/IgM antibodies. Both immune systems are much more elaborate and complex than just antibodies.

Intramuscular injections (e.g. in the shoulder) may (or may not) protect against severe disease, but they will not reduce transmission for respiratory infections and therefore won't have a benefit in reaching herd immunity.

If you want to have a chance a reduction of transmission of respiratory infections using vaccines, just MUST use intranasal (administered in the nasal passage) vaccines.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has expertly explained this and more in the following 10 minute video:

The majority of the public has been baited or coerced into these products with the claim that they will protect others by getting injected. The switch came more than a year after the first injections, when some 'experts' finally admitted that based on new insights, the jabs do not reduce transmission after all.

There has never been any proof for the claim of protecting others, and the 'experts' could and should have known about the separate immune systems.

Dr. Susan Birx of the White House COVID task force, recently testified that claims about reduction of transmission were based on mere "hope"

She had also said in December of 2020 that 70-80% of the population needed to be immunized (by which she almost certainly meant vaccinated, not immunized through natural infection) to achieve herd immunity. But herd immunity with non-sterilizing intramuscular vaccines can NEVER be achieved.

3. Since corona viruses are known to mutate extremely fast, any narrow vaccine will always be obsolete from the beginning. No matter how fast you develop, produce, distribute and inject, you will always be way too late.

NB: Since the waning, narrow, non-sterilizing COVID jabs hamper your immune function, the vaxxed basically become variant factories. This will not only hasten the emergence of new variants, but potentially even more pathogenic (=sick making) variants (according to virologist Geert Vanden Bossche).

4. It is now clear that the COVID jabs are completely ineffective at best. The Dutch national institute of health's own data show that double vaccination provides no protection whatsoever.

5. The vast majority of the Dutch population has obeyed 'our' tyrannical propagandist government's request/coercion to get vaxxed. The many who are now suffering from severe vaxx side-effects are gaslighted, ignored and abandoned.


Segment from:
👆 Video has been censored in the meanwhile

Full interview can now be found here:

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