我遇到了永活的上帝,并跪在他面前 (WarningThePeople)I have met the LIVING GOD and knelt before Him

1 year ago

原视频 SOURCE https://youtu.be/mIf5VKiOy3Q

2012年5月19日 Originally Posted by Warningthepeople

If you would like to message me, my email is warningthepeople1@gmail.com






有一天下午,从教会回家之后,我躺在床上开始祷告,我祷告的时候睡着了。在我的梦里,有一位使者来拜访我。这位使者来到我面前对我说:“ANDY, 生活中的一切都被记录下来了,就像一部电影。”我不知道这什么意思。但接下来我看到有一个屏幕在我眼前展开。我不确定我是在梦中还是真实的看到的。在这个异象中,我看到一幅关于我自己的照片,我正在对另外一个人传讲耶稣。在这个异象中,我正在告诉这个人关于耶稣的事情,但是他拒绝了耶稣。我接下来看到的事情是 这幅照片被折叠起来,折叠的像一个信封这么大。来找我的使者,在上面盖了章,他说:“跟我来。”然后他拉着我的手。

再接下来,我知道我来到了上帝的宝座前。我非常害怕,以至于我跪在地上,根本不敢抬头看,我的脸俯伏于地。这个使者把折叠成信封的那幅照片拿了出来,就是我在向一个人作见证,而他拒绝了耶稣。使者把照片递给了宝座上的耶稣。我仍然不敢抬头看。耶稣接过这个信封,打开了它。我再次在眼前看到了这幅照片,就是我向那个人见证耶稣的画面,而这个人拒绝了耶稣。耶稣看过之后又折叠起来。他直接对我说:“我会做出有利于你的审判。” 他拿着这个信封收了起来,告诉我说,每次我为他做见证,在审判的时候都会对我有利。


I am making this video in response to someone who asked me what I meant when I said; "I have met the Living God and I have knelt before Him." About a year ago I was a paid pastor, and I had been in church all my life. My parents raised me in church. About that time I really started to seek God in prayer. The reason why is because I wanted to know if I was TRULY even in the right religion. There was one verse that was really engraved in my mind, and that is where Jesus told His disciples that many will call on that day and say, "LORD LORD, let us into your Kingdom." And the response that they will hear is; "I never knew you." They will hear from GOD that He NEVER knew them, and I thought to myself; "Will God know me?" So I started to pray and say; "God do you know me?" and I would say; "Living God reveal Yourself!" I wanted to know if what I was doing was right. And the thing that scared me the most was when I would pray I would hear nothing. Sometimes I would pray all the way through the night and I would be pounding my fist on the floor with my head on the ground and I would hear nothing. I started to get frustrated. Frustrated at God, frustrated at myself, I wasn't sure what was going on anymore. One day after church, it was in the afternoon, I came home and I lay on my bed and I started to pray. While I was praying I fell asleep, and I was visited by a messenger in my dream. And this messenger came to me and said to me; "ANDY everything in life is recorded, as like in a movie." And I wasn't sure what this meant but the next thing I knew I saw a screen open up before my eyes, and if I was actually seeing this or if it was in my dream I'm not sure. But I saw a picture of myself and I was speaking about Jesus to another person in this vision. And I was telling this person about Jesus in this vision, and this person was rejecting Jesus. The next thing I saw was this clip in this vision I saw collapsed, and it collapsed into an envelope about this big. And this messenger who came to me stamped it and he said; "Come with me." And he grabbed my hand. And the next thing I knew I was before the throne of God. And I was so scared that I was on my knees and I didn't even look up, my face was on the ground. And this messenger took that envelope which was a picture of me testifying about Jesus to this other man who was rejecting Jesus. And the messenger gave it to Jesus who was on this throne. I still wasn't looking up. Jesus took this message, He opened it, and again I saw this play before my eyes, the picture of me witnessing about Jesus to this man, and this man rejecting Jesus. And Jesus watched it and then HE collapsed it again, and HE spoke directly to me, and He said, "I JUDGE IN YOUR FAVOR." He then took this envelope and filed it, and He told me that each time I testified for HIM, it would be judged in my favor. I woke up from this, and I knew I was kneeling before the Living God. I knew that it was not just a dream, it was not just a vision. People call me crazy, they say that I might be schizophrenic, they think that... they can think whatever they want. BUT I know the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to me, and as I prayed and as I sought a revelation from Jesus, He showed me exactly what I needed. There is no way for me to prove that this actually happened, there is no way for me to prove to you that this is true. But what I can say is the Lord Jesus has proved Himself to me, and if you desire a revelation, you are going to have to go directly to Jesus yourself. Did you know that Jesus also promises that He will manifest, He will reveal Himself to those who seek Him and are obedient to Him. So if you desire Jesus to reveal Himself to you, YOU have to go to Jesus and seek Him. There is no way I can prove God to you, but the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to me. So I just point to my King. The Lord revealed Himself to me and I point others to Him. JESUS is the one seated on the throne. If you desire life, if you desire truth, you need to go directly to the King, His name is Jesus. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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