How To Have Astral Sex Safely

4 years ago

Astral Projection SEX! Today, we’re talking about astral, projection, sex, or ‘OBE sex’. Now this is a very different experience to lucid dream sex. And I want to make it very clear that there are some things you need to be sort of careful about. You can't just jump into this, and expect it to be exactly the same as the lucid dreaming sex experience, because it's very different. There are some things to consider, before you jump in.

What Is Astral Sex?

Astral projection sex can be considered to be an ‘energy exchange’, between you and an energetic body, whoever, or whatever that might be. It's a very different experience to ‘dream sex’. And there are a few reasons for that.

So in general, and in waking life sex, you know it's all about essentially exchanging energy between you and another person. So at least it should be. In the astral projection world, in the astral plane, it's even MORE about that energetic exchange. So you might not actually see what's going on all the time. It might just be like, you kind of have some idea of what's going on or you feel the experience or you sense the energy exchange as opposed to physically seeing and feeling something physically.

I know this is kind of hard to imagine, especially if you've not experienced it at all. And especially if you've never had lucid dream sex as well. It's kind of hard to imagine how this would actually feel, but just stick with me here for it for a second. So in, in a lucid dream, when you have sex with a dream character, your expectation is a very big part of that.

You sort of expect what's going to happen. And then usually does happen with the astral realm. It's a bit different because your expectation doesn't have that much power. It still has power, but it's not as direct as when you're in a lucid dream. So things can happen that you didn't expect.

And so for that reason, you need to kind of be a bit careful about what your intention is and why you want to do this, have this experience in the first place. Now it's not for everybody, but here's how it can be described in the most simple terms possible.

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