4 years ago

Mike teaches today 05-16-2020.

Verses: Genesis 4:1-15, 6:8,22; 7:1; Matthew 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-27; 2nd Timothy 1:7

STUDY NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lbuwlyy3c1u92vf/AAAtFooWA3w3Ne-Y4urFGMiha?dl=0

AUDIO: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/th2x90vvjk8d9dm/AABUVPeZF4WjtPfHY0_GQmiBa?dl=0

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The doctrine being set forth here and throughout Scripture is Jesus Christ’s Return when the rapture and first resurrection shall take place. It is this time when He will judge His people and the World. Now we are needing to set ourselves against the false doctrines that have invaded the Christian community; that a believer goes gloriously to heaven at death. This false doctrine diminishes the need for resurrection or rapture, and therefore the importance of Christ’s Return when these are to take place.

Hebrews 11:4 “By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain…” Abel was the first example of the God-liked kind of faith. He was the man of faith; Cain was the man of ‘unbelief”. (BOTH MEN BELIEVED IN GOD. BOTH MEN HAD A DEGREE OF REVERENCE FOR GOD. But unbelief is not just not believing something; but the persistence in stubborn resistance after having been shown ample reason to believe.) Cain refused to deal with the result of sin as God had prescribed, that is with his sinful nature in light of God’s Holiness. Cain resisted the idea that Abel embraced; that of humble awareness of the sinful fallen nature and the need for propitiation by blood of an acceptable animal for acceptance. (Before the Fall, Cain’s offering would have been acceptable but after the Fall, a bloody sacrifice was required.) Cain refused to see himself in the light of God’s requirement and followed his own religious way of worship. Even with further hardening of heart after God’s gracious correction and warning, unto murder. (See Genesis 4:7 where God warns Cain about sin crouching at his door.) This example of Cain and Abel, (these two being representative of “believers” in God) has a practical application today and was typically the state of Paul’s day; in that Paul echoed the Old Testament prophetic word found in Psalm 40:6, Isaiah 1:11, Jeremiah 6:20, and Amos 5:21-22. These verses had declared that… “In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure.” [Hebrews 10:6] That was the exhortation to religious Jews; that God was now accepting the offering of the instructed younger one, with the rejection of the older’s; and that being, as in the type, after much instruction and forbearance. (See Acts 18:6 where Paul, after many years of going to the Jew first, then extended the gospel to the Gentiles.) The result was the same as Cain’s resistance to God’s manifest Blood offering, in the refusal of following, even with the strongest of evidence that it was now the means by which God would forgive and accept, was met with the violent persecution by the elder brother.
Israel then answers to Cain in the slaying of Jesus Christ, a far more righteous One. It is Israel who is shut out and, “went out from the presence of the Lord…” It is Israel who then lost the status and rights of the first-born (Matthew 21:43), who as the anti-type is the cursed from the earth; the marked fugitive and vagabond in the Earth. (Genesis 4:11-12) But let no nation or individual make the fatal mistake and do them harm, for they yet have the “mark” of the Lord upon them as His seed. This, all nations know well. (Matthew 23:23-39) God judges His people; but woe unto those He uses. (Matthew 25:31-46)

By which he (Abel) obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: And by it he being dead yet speaketh.” (See also Genesis 4:4…“And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering…” both offerer and offering)

The Lord had respect unto Abel (). Most likely this means He consumed it instantly with fire; and he was justified by his blood offering; as we also are justified by the Blood offering and thereby have access into His presence unto sanctification. (Romans 5:9, Hebrews 4:14-16)

Tampering with the text of Scripture alters THE PROMISE of God…either by giving a false basis for faith and hope or by destroying where true faith should be (His Word as the credible source) and .......

DOWNLOAD COMPLETE STUDY NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lbuwlyy3c1u92vf/AAAtFooWA3w3Ne-Y4urFGMiha?dl=0

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